The planes I fly have a very broad speed range, and therefore need much more deflection and higher PID settings at lower speeds. For the most part I'm flying in the same area, just at varied speeds. My problem arises when the speed starts increasing, and P is low enough to help but not oscillate, I start losing elevator authority. To combat this, as well as deal with the rapid pitch rates needed with very aggressive turns, I've turned the max rate up to 1440 deg/s. This rate isn't far off from what the plane is actually pitching at to make the turn, so I'm comfortable with it set there. At the higher speeds and in these turns is when I start seeing the reduction of authority. Is there another setting that I need to be looking at to get this working correctly?
Additionally, I like to run triple rates on elevator and aileron and use them independently. Is there any reason that this wouldn't work well with the setup as I just described? Thanks in advance.