
Following advise and hope to have PH, RTL, PP flight modes working better for my fixed wings I want to install an airspeed sensor to my Revo board with LP 16.09 r782. Reading up on articles it seems most suggested that digital airspeed sensors have superior range and precision to analog ones that has a lot of noise issues. Since I saw there seem to be support for a well known digital airspeed sensor from pixhawk, I got some units and installed them but the System Heath show I2C as black and AIRSPD as black red crossed over.

I have been reading up on another user, way back that tried to get that sensor to work with a Sparky board.
https://forum.librepilot.org/index.php?topic=3483.0I am not sure but seems he got it to work after resolving some issues with 5V respectively 3.3V from the sensor?
Anyone already got this sensor working with a LP on a Revo board?
I have followed the wiki
. configured the FlexiPort as I2C
. HWsettings OptionalModules Airspeed Enabled
. Set AirSpeedSensorType to PixHawkAirspeedMS4525D0
. Connected the unit to Flexi port according wiki for pins SCL, SDA, GRD, 5V and the unit.
(I have no other i2c sensors on the system, use internal mag and a GPS on the main port)
Any ideas how to move forward?
Should I just move on and get an analog sensor that user JDL since he apparently got it to work nicely?