Hi all
Thx for your fast Response..
I went down the road with the discoveryf4bare as suggested by MR-W.

Board is dected as Revo and automaticaly connected by the GC.
Where I'm lost is, how to connect the MPU6000?
I would connect it via SPI1 as defined by the Proc STM32F407, but what about the Int and the SC?
What I didn't get was, how do I have to activate it (in the code or GC settings)

Would you recommand to use en other IMU?
I have a 10DoF Board GY-801 or GY-91 and GY-88, which one would you recommand?
GY-88 seams to suits best, but just over I2C, isn't it:
HMC5883/43 (compass)
ITG3200 (gyro), MPU6050 (gyro+accel)
BMP085 (baro)
cheers an thx