I am completely new in the whole multi-rotor world and am having a real struggle with putting together my first Tricopter. I had purchased an HJ-Y3 kit from eBay and have been running into troubles with setting up my transmitter. I am using a Turnigy 9x Transmitter with the stock firmware and a Turnigy 9X8C v2 Receiver. I found a video on Youtube (link below) and was able to follow it dead on up until I hit the receiver wizard. I have been able to verify that the transmitter and the receiver are indeed paired, the receiver is showing a solid red light as stated in the IOM.
I created a fresh new profile on the transmitter using the transmitters "TYPE" setting Acro. The "MODULAT" setting on this transmitter is set to PPM, and the "STICK SET" setting on the transmitter is mode 2 and not inverted.
As for the wiring I followed the Youtube video linked below to the letter. The motors spun up fine in the set up wizard, but when I go into the transmitter wizard it tells me to move the throttle up and down and it seems no matter what settings I tinker with I cannot get the RC Input to give me any indication that I am moving the throttle up and down.
Here is the link I was using to put the kit together:
Here is a link to the eBay listing:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/272053804384?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AITDoes anyone have any suggestions or would be able to help me out here?