Hmmm. Sorry, I don't. At least I don't have one where I explain what the sticks are doing while it is flying in the video.
An FPV video would show it flying straight forward at constant altitude and speed and then, while maintaining speed and altitude, making wide, graceful turns to come to a new direction forward.
Maybe I can explain a little. With all sticks in the center, VR is just PositionHold. All the sensors act together to keep it in the same place (including altitude) and pointing in the same direction.
Now hold a little yaw and it rotates in place to change direction, but still without changing location. Use full yaw stickj for a few seconds to see it spin like a top. Release the yaw stick.
Now, constantly hold a "small" amount of forward pitch stick and you have commanded it to constantly travel straight forward at a constant "small" speed (
not a certain bank angle). If you constantly hold left roll stick instead of forward pitch stick, it is commanded to fly sideways at a constant speed. While doing this, everything else stays the same. Altitude stays the same (and is held "exactly" there by baro and GPS data). Yaw stays the same, so it remains pointed in the same direction.
The fun part starts by constantly holding a little forward pitch stick so you are constantly travelling forward slowly. Hold the forward pitch constantly from now on. Now move the yaw a little to come to a new heading. You are now travelling forward in a new direction. The yaw acts just like a steering wheel in a car. Too much yaw and it even slides out like a car in a tight corner (but much less violently