If you connect Revo to Pc, the telemetry stream go to Pc, not OSD.
Not tel com means no data received from board.
i get that , but , osd is just showing me whats wrong, if i dont have oplink nor usb active on pc and power the quad -> it will not start only when i open gsc and have opling to pc -> but changing oplink from revo to cordinator make it work ( but the pc should be the cordinator) so why does it disable all thing if no oplink (cordinator)connection is found when i have a osd
in short my quad will not start if no link is found that acts as cordinator , but when quad is cordinator it works .
IF i have a oplink active ,, all is oke no problems at all
quad setup , ioflex=ppm+out flex=tele main=gps and other current usb=tele+??something