We are still in the process of sorting all this out, but here are some things in discussion:
Very short term, a release based on OP 15.05 plus:
- CC3D support put back in (Yay! a single install for ALL supported flight controllers)
- LibrePilot rebranding
- bug fixes
Our longer term goals include:
- OSGEarth support on GCS (Imagine a 3D flight sim with actual local terrain data)
- Commodity hardware support where it makes sense. That includes for instance flight controllers, telemetry and sensors. (Been wanting a Revo?

How about using 3DR telemetry hardware or an eBay GPS with I2C mag sensor.)
Some other things we are considering:
- User polls and ballots about what things we should code
- Engaging with knowledgeable users to form a rank of helpers for the forums
- A user backed mentoring system