I've been around a while, and even I would try the default settings for first flight. That is default settings, not template settings from the list of models.
I would guess that more people get in trouble trying to copy someone else's settings / PIDs than get into trouble with default settings.
An expert flier can use better PIDs to get better times in an FPV race, but I would guess that a beginner wouldn't know the difference. My car doesn't have a race tuned suspension, but I still enjoy driving it.
So that said, have you tried it with default settings? If so, what do you think is wrong about it? Have you flown factory tuned quads, even the small ones to have something to compare it to?
There is EasyTune and the like that allows you to use a transmitter knob to adjust PIDs in flight. Setting that up is a great way to get to feel the difference in flight.
A quick way to try something different is to start with all the default PIDs and multiply all 6 inner loop PI's (not D) (Stabilization -> Advanced, and click Used Advanced Settings) by some number that is close to 1.0; say by 1.25 to increase PIDs or by 0.8 to reduce PIDs.