Every programming course/book is the same, once you know one language then it's pretty much downhill.
It's always: variables, operators (=,+,-...etc), conditional statements usually "if/else", functions, for/while loops, then data structures which aggregate simpler data types (lists, dictionaries/hashes). Then you have writing,reading files standard I/O and libraries, done. Every book will look more or less that way.
You can try free Coursera which if you don't need certificate is free knowledge:
https://www.coursera.org/learn/pythonI suggest to start with Python as it is clean, requires you to write clean code, it's easy to test quickly. As IDE download free community version of
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ or use Jupyter Notebook
https://try.jupyter.org/. Once you know Python basics, it will be easier with everything, it's a good starting language.