@Brian thank you so much. @mr_w thank you too.
I think my receiver is working fine but unfortunatelly I dont have a logic analyzer. Is there someway in the LibrePilot software that I can log all the PWM values my FC is receiving in all of it's channel? In the INPUT (inside Configuration) I can see the current value cause the "sliders" move when I turn on my transmitter.
Indeed my FC never disarms, never even with timeout of 5 seconds. I wait, wait, wait... and it never disarms.
I agree with you that maybe my receiver is not sending precise values to my FC, however this wouldnt explain why only one motor spins randomly for a few seconds, then another, then another...
I was wondering: when my throttle is 1000 (below neutral) and the drone is not disarmed, maybe some integral component of PID is making motor spin (cause P and D should not affect my drone when throttle is minimal).