Hi Everyone,
Ok I was having a bit of trouble when flying my SRD280 with it once in a while just stopping mid flight and crashing to the ground
Someone suggested flashing the CC3D mini with Librepilot and running vehicle setup wizard, Which I have done then they gave me all the settings they were using on their SRD280.
It was late so I waited until the morning and went in the garden for a little line of sight test flight. (this is where everything goes horribly wrong!!!)
I went to arm my quad but didn't realise that the motors were not set to spin when armed so thought it wasn't armed applied a bit of throttle and the quad just shot up in the air flat out... until I went back to 0% throttle and it came crashing back down
I took my props off to test it and when I am only putting the stick up to around 30% the motors are spinning at 100% the same applies to roll and pitch.
I cannot touch the sticks as it is full power with only 10% stick movement!!!
I am starting to get to the point of giving up with it now
I managed to get a download of the factory v2 settings from helipal but this has not fixed the calibration issue.
I hope this makes sense to somebody and they can help me with a solution