LibrePilot Forum
Users => Applications - FPV => Topic started by: a_morale on July 20, 2015, 12:33:40 am
Title says it all :)
The only salvaged video in two days of flghts :( a tree hit my 808 and lens defocused (yes it was the tree, i swear it wasnt' there a couple of secs before :) )
Title says it all :)
The only salvaged video in two days of flghts :( a tree hit my 808 and lens defocused (yes it was the tree, i swear it wasnt' there a couple of secs before :) )
But next time I want to see when Fozzillo pushes you in the ground ;D
Lol, well, that was an outragous tree, then ;)
Guess I'll charge my mobius then. I am still missing FPV stuff, so my videos are boring compared, but anyway ;)
Lol, well, that was an outragous tree, then ;)
Guess I'll charge my mobius then. I am still missing FPV stuff, so my videos are boring compared, but anyway ;)
I just started with fpv 4 months ago :)
But next time I want to see when Fozzillo pushes you in the ground ;D
And here is the (unfortunately blurred as a tree hit the cam some flights before :( ) video:
But next time I want to see when Fozzillo pushes you in the ground ;D
And here is the (unfortunately blurred as a tree hit the cam some flights before :( ) video:
Ah ah ah, che sportellata ;D Mitico Fozzillo!
A relaxed flight during my summer holidays.
Custom 220 size quad, Atom/KISS/BX1306/5040/3S
Sorry, bad recording quality, downlink only.
Hi to all,
this is one of my video with CC3D flight controller, hope you like it :)
Nice run :)
CC3D is not dead :P
Guarda un po' chi si vede :)
@BadSide84 Nice flying! 8)
This is from my maiden flight the other day. First time on 4S and 6045, still need to fly some more batteries to get used to.
I heard some deer making noise so I did fly over to take a look. Anyway, no crazy stuff.
Guarda un po' chi si vede :)
Ciao Alessio :) mi ha suggerito Paolo di iscrivermi qui :)
Nice run :)
CC3D is not dead :P
Thanks man ;)
@BadSide84 Nice flying! 8)
This is from my maiden flight the other day. First time on 4S and 6045, still need to fly some more batteries to get used to.
I heard some deer making noise so I did fly over to take a look. Anyway, no crazy stuff.
Thanks :) nice flying too!!
How do the 6045 feel? I use them a lot, did not use 5040 for a long time, considering to buy 6040 CF props. Your videos are really nice. I just started doing a bit flipping and rolling, hope to be able to put some new video up soon :)
I've only tried 6045 on this new quad but they feel really good, more thrust for sure and it seems to have a more floating feel to it.
Need to add a buzzer before I do flips and rolls, its really hard to find in the field!! and I dont want the Vtx to burn either.
I've only tried 6045 on this new quad but they feel really good, more thrust for sure and it seems to have a more floating feel to it.
Need to add a buzzer before I do flips and rolls, its really hard to find in the field!! and I dont want the Vtx to burn either.
Yeah, seemed to me too about the 6045 props. But I thought maybe the quad is less agile with larger props?
A find Buzzer is a nice thing. But I had one that needed some channel input or would go off after a minute. Maybe very useful, but sometimes I keep the quad sitting changing settings in the GCS, and it would go off all time, so I removed it. Raining here, next video maybe tomorrow or in the weekend, can't wait to do some more flips, and found some nice variations :)
Hi to all,
this is one of my video with CC3D flight controller, hope you like it :)
hello BadSide84 beautiful run what's your setup frame, and what are your cc3d adjustment? Thank you
Hi to all,
this is one of my video with CC3D flight controller, hope you like it :)
hello BadSide84 beautiful run what's your setup frame, and what are your cc3d adjustment? Thank you
Hello :)
You find my setup in the description on youtube video!
Title says it all :)
The only salvaged video in two days of flghts :( a tree hit my 808 and lens defocused (yes it was the tree, i swear it wasnt' there a couple of secs before :) )
We'll be there in the city "Eterna" ....... ;) ;)
and I know the park aniene ....... :D :D
well here's my video
the airfield is near the natural park of Selvotta (Cassia bis). (
My so little contri captured with dvr on my fatshark dominator
hi BadSide84, I look at your setup, but it's at the pid, max angle and expo I'm interesting.
I'm testing to find the best setting parameter to improve the quality of my flight, by the time it is the expo.
Thank you
Nano 15.05
Trust pid tuning tonight. Steep dives smoothed out nice after dropping curve to -3
Nano 15.05
Trust pid tuning tonight. Steep dives smoothed out nice after dropping curve to -3
Wow...Sooooooo smooth. Thought this was your gimbal quad. Very nice!
Nano 15.05
Trust pid tuning tonight. Steep dives smoothed out nice after dropping curve to -3
Wow...Sooooooo smooth. Thought this was your gimbal quad. Very nice!
Thanks John...your tuning tips were spot on, the B-4 (400mm wooden quad) is flying great.
Most of the flight is in acro+. Sometimes I changed to rattitude or attitude when closer to the ground.
hi BadSide84, I look at your setup, but it's at the pid, max angle and expo I'm interesting.
I'm testing to find the best setting parameter to improve the quality of my flight, by the time it is the expo.
Thank you
Nicoyote i'm so soryy for the late reply!
However my PID setting is:
P 0.00164 0.00242 0.00508
I 0.00656 0.00968 0.00965
D 0.000022 0.000033 0.000043
My responsivnees is:
Rate: 280 280 260
MAx rate angle limit: 320 320 300
All other settings are by default, no expo by radio!
thank you very much for your settings I try them for good weather. voilas waiting in a video filmed one year ago and I had not mounted.
Here's some recent uploads. Two 3 minute vids that were fun to make. Being taunted to shoot the gap!
part 2
Finally had some time to fly
Finally had some time to fly
Excellent flying ScreamingKitty!..a fun ride thanks
Excellent flying ScreamingKitty!..a fun ride thanks
Thanks. Your LibrePilot intro looks very nice. :)
Finally had some time to fly
Dude. I really enjoyed that flight and the edit. Great choice of music and loved the LP video intro.
That location looks familiar. Not sure where I have seen it before? Have you flown there before and made a video from there previously?
Also, I'm keen to know more about your video link. Are you using diversity? 5.8??
Dude. I really enjoyed that flight and the edit. Great choice of music and loved the LP video intro.
MrHeli4444 is the artist behind the intro.
That location looks familiar. Not sure where I have seen it before? Have you flown there before and made a video from there previously?
Also, I'm keen to know more about your video link. Are you using diversity? 5.8??
I did posted the maiden flight earlier but then I was just out for testing the stability of the new setup back then.
I been thinking on getting some diversity but this is only immersion 600mw 5.8 with SpiroNet antenna and dominators.
My build:
I dont have any DVR footage from that day because of a little mistake with the recording, but following is from another time
I dont have any DVR footage from that day because of a little mistake with the recording, but following is from another time
Thanks for sharing this. I like the look of OSD readout you have. I may have to look into getting something like this for myself.
Installed LibrePilot on a Nano this morning and gave her a fly.
Installed LibrePilot on a Nano this morning and gave her a fly.
Looks like a fun flight man. Well done.
BTW how the heck are you guys flying with LP when there hasn't been a release? Any tips so I can get in on this action??
Installed LibrePilot on a Nano this morning and gave her a fly.
Looks like a fun flight man. Well done.
BTW how the heck are you guys flying with LP when there hasn't been a release? Any tips so I can get in on this action??
Thanks Ant - f5soh helped me when I got stuck a few times yesterday building next in Windows 10.
Installed LibrePilot on a Nano this morning and gave her a fly.
Great flight Stormin!
Installed LibrePilot on a Nano this morning and gave her a fly.
Wow congrats smooth that turn at 2:45 times ahead guys
Figured I'd jump in and share a compilation from this morning. Flights are with my QAV250 and CC3D. Can't wait for the new release from LP with support for the CC3D as these really are a great FC.
Funnily, on my my first flight this morning, I had an ant in the eye cup on the left side of my FatSharks. Not long into the flight, I realised it was there and the little bugger was biting me on the corner of my eye. It took everything I had to keep the QAV up in the air and I was able to land it safely before ripping off my goggles and I took great pleasure in squashing the ant after the pain and discomfort it caused me.
Figured I'd jump in and share a compilation from this morning. Flights are with my QAV250 and CC3D. Can't wait for the new release from LP with support for the CC3D as these really are a great FC.
Funnily, on my my first flight this morning, I had an ant in the eye cup on the left side of my FatSharks. Not long into the flight, I realised it was there and the little bugger was biting me on the corner of my eye. It took everything I had to keep the QAV up in the air and I was able to land it safely before ripping off my goggles and I took great pleasure in squashing the ant after the pain and discomfort it caused me.
Thanks Ant, Love seeing Arnhemland again. What a beautiful place to fly.
Here's some recent uploads. Two 3 minute vids that were fun to make. Being taunted to shoot the gap!
I absolutely loved those flights with the underwater shots!
The underwater waterfall and the otter.
Does make me wonder if you had some real good prop guards and used Attitude mode, if you could punch out half way down the falls... :)
QAV250 Revo Nano mn2206 2350kv sn20a 5x4.5 bullnose 1800mah 4s
Practicing a few loops :)
Hi, here's my latest video:
Flying attitude in this one, but next one will be in rate mode for sure! :)
Not my video, but I found it particularly inspiring. Thanks for the link Alessio.
Awesome to see stuff like that, we got nothing to complain about.
Howdy...Sat in the tropical creek today drinking beers then this arvo put my custom HEXI up for a relaxed fly over it and the park.
My home is just across the road :-)
Flying with a 4S 4200 on the back with a REVO board and was in ACRO+ mode.
Howdy...Sat in the tropical creek today drinking beers then this arvo put my custom HEXI up for a relaxed fly over it and the park.
My home is just across the road :-)
Flying with a 4S 4200 on the back with a REVO board and was in ACRO+ mode.
Ahh bitter green I've tipped a few of those :) Nice smooth flying
Howdy...Sat in the tropical creek today drinking beers then this arvo put my custom HEXI up for a relaxed fly over it and the park.
My home is just across the road :-)
Flying with a 4S 4200 on the back with a REVO board and was in ACRO+ mode.
Nice perch you have there :-)
Howdy...Sat in the tropical creek today drinking beers then this arvo put my custom HEXI up for a relaxed fly over it and the park.
My home is just across the road :-)
Flying with a 4S 4200 on the back with a REVO board and was in ACRO+ mode.
Nice flight mate. There are certainly some nice places to fly in that area. Kinda makes me a little homesick. Cairns always seems so nice and green.
Yeh I need to make use of that creek more me thinks.
Have not had a VB in years, tastes pretty good actually.
Cairns is a nice area for sure, but do like getting out into the dusty outback too.
Would love to do a road trip to Darwin one day...
Heading to north of WA in November for 2 weeks, so will take my machines for sure.
Ma dernière video
Forgot to share some videos :)
I get my Headplay HD's this week so it seems I will be able to post some flight videos before the weather goes to crap!
New build, ZX-250 folding frame
Multistar 2204-2300Kv - Dalprops 5045 - 3S-2200mAh
OpenPilot Revolution
LibrePilot 15.09 RC2
Rencontre fpv à Tours avec les copains
FPV meet with friends in Tours (France)
15.09-RC3 testing.
FPV-RECONN RD290 modded with shorter arms, 12 deg tilted motors and 6" props (size is 280mm)
T-Motor MN2206 2000kv
HQ prop 6045 FG
KISS 2-4S 18A oneshot enabled
OpenPilot revolution
Orange R720X DSMX cppm
nanotech 4S 2250mAh 65C
Foxeer HD Legend 1 (1080p@60fps)
Woot All I need is FPV!!!! 8) 8) 8) (
Life has got in the way of a lot of things for me lately, but things look to be clearing which means I can begin to focus more again on my flying.
Here is a quick edit I did from last weekend. I was filming a graduation and wanted to also include some aerial footage of the location. This video shows some of the aerial footage. All flown with my little CC3D - QAV 250 and Shimano CM-1000 HD camera.
@ArnhemAnt It's been (quite) a while since I was up in the NT. Your videos always make me want to visit again though. Nice one!
@ArnhemAnt It's been (quite) a while since I was up in the NT. Your videos always make me want to visit again though. Nice one!
Thanks. Glad you liked it. I enjoy sharing parts of my 'backyard'. Maybe one day you can get back up here and we can fly it together?
What an amazing landscape. And it seems you guys there in NZ have lots more freedoms in flying quads than anyone. I would be scared to fly that high because all time small aircrafts and gliders all around. I don't never dare to fly that high in our area.
Thanks cato,
I'm in Australia, but NZ is pretty close.
In regards to height, I usually don't go that high either but I wanted to get a real good aerial perspective on the location. Here in Australia, we have a 400mtr height restriction from CASA.
Haha, sorry @ArnhemAnt I that was closely missing the aim :)
This area looks like a big kinda swamp with many nasty crocodiles in ...
Living in Germany means less of those creatures, and about height, depending on the area you live you can go up to 760m. But we have lots of small airfields around, so usually it's more restricted (depending on the distance to the next airfield).
@liftbag, I always enjoy your flying, it shows me very nicely what I still am not able to do. Beautiful area you have there.
Now, batteries charging, after weeks of work with no way to fly I'll go on a hike, looking for new places to fly :)
Edit: finally had time to go through most of the videos here. What fun to watch, and finally after weeks could go flying myself again :)
Talking of 6045, I am using those on my 250 Nighthawk. I like them a lot, using them with 3S batteries. Today I finally had a chance after weeks to fly FPV again. Made a bit of video of it :)
My RD290 Librepilot Mayden flight. Flyes great! Easytune used.
My RD290 Librepilot Mayden flight. Flyes great! Easytune used.
Nice flying, and a great spot.
I still didn't have the opportunity to record footage with librepilot so its an OP video (don't blame me please :p)
(I know, the flight is really «unstable», i'm still searching the right parameters, on the video I was on acro factor 40 with 600deg/sec with no expo so a «bit» too much sensitive)
If you use Acro+, you can set a small 'Rate' like 150deg/s.
Around middle stick it react like rate at 150deg/s (you can also add some expo) and full stick go to 'manual' (without gyro stabilization), in this case you may need a bigger Acro+ factor like 65 to see a difference.
With 600deg/sec you don't need high Acro factor :D
Video example with the settings above in Acro+
If you use Acro+, you can set a small 'Rate' like 150deg/s.
Around middle stick it react like rate at 150deg/s (you can also add some expo) and full stick go to 'manual' (without gyro stabilization), in this case you may need a bigger Acro+ factor like 65 to see a difference.
With 600deg/sec you don't need high Acro factor :D
Video example with the settings above in Acro+
Yep i notice that. Now I'm on 70 factor acro with 10 expo for pitch roll (-3 with yaw) and 250deg/sec. It's a lot better but I'll try with 150 like you said .
Some night FPV flying. I'm liking the camera vtx set up on this rig.
Nice flying Jim! Yes that vtx and cam is a great setup. If anyone wants to build one the parts and details are here :
Nice flying Jim! Yes that vtx and cam is a great setup. If anyone wants to build one the parts and details are here :
Thanks for finding this set up John. It's working really well and a great buy too.
The pictures of it flying along with it's two lights look like an alien spaceship in a scifi movie. :)
Some night FPV flying. I'm liking the camera vtx set up on this rig.
What an amazing little thing :)
Trying to chop up some Pink and Grey Galahs here.
There are very good flyers.
Its got a REVO in it flying Acro+ with a 4s 4200 on the back
Its got a REVO in it flying Acro+ with a 4s 4200 on the back
Nice flight man. Good mix of flying - very enjoyable.
How you didn't end up with a prop strike is beyond me.
Great flying skills also nice house Mr heli ;-) the other guys also!
Still got no dvr or hd cam to record my flights...
Cheers, I came very close a couple times but they are just so good at maneuvering.
Spent 2 weeks in WA so got some cool vids to cut up.
Thats an interesting way to show virtual house tour.
A bit of flying in the end of day
Here is another flight on the farm. So much space to fly and do what ya want out there.
Had never flown this bunch of bush before, I knew I would hit a branch or something for sure.
Just broke some props.
Nice. It's interesting to see just how much altitude you lose in those diving turns. You start up pretty high, and then, before you know it, the trees are getting closer and closer.
Once again. Nice flight man. You've got that frame dialled in pretty well to suit your flying.
When I invert it up high, drop the power and yaw it, it does indeed come down fast.
Its got a 4s 4200 on the back so bit of weight there.
Got another vid to cut up where I went really high, still after a short time the ground is right there again.
Just got to get use to it and not panic.
Would love to jump on a plane an spend a week flying with you over there.
They have direct flights from here.
Bring a Phantom 3 too as it shoots stunning video, but boring as to fly.
I call it Cappuccino flying when I fly it, you can sip on your coffee while you float around up there.
After one month of Droning this is more or less what I've got. Lot of work still to do.
Nice video Zrisst.
Not bad for a months worth. :-)
Fun little edit that one.
Keep flying and you just get better and better.
Took me for ever before I did my first roll.
Tons of space on the family farm in Western as high and far as you want.
After the video from Wagsy I feel pretty small... but I'm proud any way. I completed my first full "googles on" flight. Taking off from a desk and landing (safely) in the RWY. Nothing special in the footage except for the music... If you like Iron Maiden... just turn it up ;)
Tons of space on the family farm in Western as high and far as you want.
Imagine crashing your copter "somewhere" in that wheat field... and then trying to find it.
One of mine crashed into about a hectare of meter high grass. Video went out and I had to ditch. No buzzer, didn't have my DVR running, I thought I knew exactly where it was, but no. I spent at least an hour walking back and forth across the area and didn't find it. I finally gave up and left but came back later in the day and found it pretty quickly. Zero damage and even the battery ejected and disconnected so I didn't even lose that.
Flying over long grass is good for crash damage but make sure you have a way to find it.
Zrisst, I remember the first time I did FPV, scared the shit out of me.
Just keep at it, then try rolls in Rattitude mode, then move onto Manual modes to have full control.
Yes always a risk for sure in grass and stuff.
I figured if it did go down, the boys in the headers would find it.
If the battery stays on (two straps plus velcro) I can also use the Taranis to locate it.
I could also put the Phantom 3 up and float around for a look.
Hi Zirrst,
I am currently in the process of getting comfortable with FPV. I remember my first flight, it was simply scary, as what I heard and what I saw were not in tune. At the moment I don't dare to fly any acro, and with the weather getting worse it may be a while until my first flips and rolls in FPV.
But as soon as you are a bit comfortable, flying in FPV is simple joy, and is definitely a lot easier than flying LOS. Also I found that I like rate very much in FPV, while in LOS I still prefer (r)attitude, as my brain still has a lot to work with the direction changes. The main challange is that the image is only 2D, it is difficult to have a precise estimation of distances.
I fly more or less fpv using a 7" monitor, but in a different way; I mean, I fly a video shooting hexa platform (a DJI 550 with EagleTree Vector FC, DYS/Basecam32bit gimbal etc).
But always T/O and land and fly in near field visually, and in far range I use Loiter or Cartesian modes (GPS assisted modes similar to VelocityRoam) never more than 20º banking or pitching; so no need to have references, no low altitude flight, and many times RTH with autoland for coming home.
So, there is not the first time I do FPV, but the first I do it with goggles, T/O and land and fly low altitude without GPS assist.
But felt in love with been inside a miniquad :)
I hope I'll post soon my first onboard video doing rolls.
Took me forever to do my first roll and then it took ages before I got to manual flying.
Ratitude is good to get you going into the rolls though.
Just keep at it and you will naturally progress, O... and you will crash a lot :-)
But now ACRO+ is the only way to fly.
Stopped here today to carve up this little section of beach.
Now that''s a beach. Nice one.
I should move up there. :-)
If you like Iron Maiden... just turn it up ;)
Nice choice of music. I love Iron Maiden.
Well done on your first full flight with goggles. Let the good times roll.
Would love to jump on a plane an spend a week flying with you over there.
They have direct flights from here.
Bring a Phantom 3 too as it shoots stunning video, but boring as to fly.
I call it Cappuccino flying when I fly it, you can sip on your coffee while you float around up there.
You're welcome up here dude. Why not make it happen? I've got a couple mates (juz and helliyeah) arriving in less than a fortnight. Keep an eye out for the videos.
I know what you mean about the Phantom. I had to fly one for my RPAS certification....
Many thanks to liftbag for the help with this build.
Lovely work^^
Another sweet rig to emerge from the workshop and get airborne. Not only is it a custom built octo, but the gimbal is also a custom build. Awesome.
I love your work MrHeli4444. That looks great.
Very individual, you should be proud of that one.
Now that is what you call a woody all right.
Great job, don't break it now.
Yes seem to be finding more locations all the time to fly here.
Will hit some falls soon.
Sounds like you are going to have a good time with those guys turning up in the NT, look forward to teh vids.
I just got back from WA break so have to miss this one out.
But will look at it in a few months time for sure.
And so slowly learning new tricks, getting use to being upside down, quite strange just falling like that.
Will put the 6 inch triples on it.
4S 2250 on the back / 2000kv cobra motors and those Multiwicopter one shot 12 amp ESC's.
Just bit of jitter when the wind is up to tune out.
Last few flights edited. Nothing too special. Ironing out a few PID's with current LP on my QAV250.
Getting use to my big one, the Cinetank MkII, trying to fly a bit smoother. The Cinetank is meant to carry a gimbal, but so far the camera ist fixed.
Still flying attitude, but now it's FPV with the onboard Mobius Camera. Nothing special, too, but fun :)
I put the GCS log in, as with the GPS option you get a nice flight path, and valuable data, like top speed was 15m/s = 55km/h = 34mph. Maximum altitude over ground was 65m, measured with a FrSky Variometer.
Nice flight, area looks the same as here ;-) Your Librepilot intro is great!
Thanks a lot, @mazevx
actually the intro has been made by @f5soh, I only added the background. I like this area for flying, it is beautiful and no buildings, powerlines or rails nearby.
Look video intro thread :
Another video from the same place. This time my Nighthawk 250. I always had lots vibration and jello in this quad, but so far I was still working on the setup. After testing different propellers I found that 5040 produce the least jello, but the break when you look sharp at them, so I tested 6030 carbon now. Jello and vibration better, but not good. One motor axis is lose, this will be the next test (motor replaced meanwhile). Now TxPID and Easytune is setup, so I will do a few tuning session soon.
My Video ::)
My latest compilation from the last few days. I had two friends visit me and have spent the last 7 days flying every single day. It's been a lot of fun and I've tried to capture the diverse landscape of this area. Hope this video does it some justice.
My latest compilation from the last few days. I had two friends visit me and have spent the last 7 days flying every single day. It's been a lot of fun and I've tried to capture the diverse landscape of this area. Hope this video does it some justice.
Dang, 'blocked in your country due to copyright issues'. Did you use a Justin Bieber song again ArnhemAnt?
Dang, 'blocked in your country due to copyright issues'. Did you use a Justin Bieber song again ArnhemAnt? 
ROFLMAO!! Nice one dude. I had to re-do the edit as it was showing up as blocked in some countries. Re-edit with different audio is now linked in original post. Thanks for the reminder.
PS: I HATE Justin Bieber. Had to say that just in case someone got the wrong idea........
Nice one, Ant :)
I really like your videos of your beautiful country. Guess some day I have to visit you :)
ArnhemAnt really got to pay you a visit, looks nice. :-)
I have started to get around more over here doing little VLOGS.
CC3D with Libre Pilot loaded on the 300 flying Acro+
Wagsy, I like your idea of doint those vlogs, puts the flying into context, and that way the video tells a story. I definitely need to do more flying, I am better, but not nearly your level. And a really beatiful spot you got there. Looking forward to the next vlog :)
Hi Cato. Cheers, yes its nice here in Cairns with lots of spots to fly.
Doing the VLOGS is hard as it takes up time to get the shots and you have to always have the camera with you.
Last few I have been a bit slack but will notch it up for the next few.
This one is me racing the QUADI 300 (4S 2250 - AUW 950gram) with some super light mini's.
I could get them on the straights but could not turn as fast. Maybe with a 4S 1500 on it would do better.
Flying in Acro+ mode with a CC3D.
@Wagsy - amazing vids
Here's a sample of my poor aviation skills:
Looks good to me, just keep flying and you naturally get better at it.
Took me forever to get out of a auto level mode and into manual flying.
Racing the light FPV NAZE 32 racers with my 960 gram -4s 2250 - QUADI 300 - CC3D Libre Pilot machine.
Flying in Acro+ mode.
They got me in the corners, but I could keep up on the straights.
^^ Looks like a lot of fun mate. Hope you get em' in the corners next time around.
Nice one, Ant :)
I really like your videos of your beautiful country. Guess some day I have to visit you :)
Dude - anytime you can make it over this way, I would be more than happy to have you as my guest.
My allmost fully tunned 3S Racer...
Check my other videos. All powered by Librepilot :)
Here's my latest edit. QAV250 with CC3D.
One of my first outdoor flights with my Revo Nano racer after flashing it with librepilot. :)
Still waiting for spring tho.
1.3G FPV flight today was distructed by concerned horse rider. Emergency landing proceeded.
** Moved to FPV video thread
1.3G FPV flight today was distructed by concerned horse rider. Emergency landing proceeded.
Hey rotomoto, which 1.3G system are you using ? :) Is the RC control on 2.4G ?
I am using TBS crossfire. 868Mhz control. Tested 2.4FPV yesterday but that was distracting my GPS too much.
My 1.3 receiver is Lawmate 1260 and my TX is from ebay 800mw
As of this year my nice mini video platform has moved on to Librepilot so now I can post its videos here, the first one happend at easter celebrations this weekend. :)
Also just a few days earlier made a compilation video of all its better flights from all of 2015:
Nice work Zallestial.
Have made a short (raw) video with new 180 build :
Hi , QAV250 running LibrePilot - CC3d Atom
QAV 400 - on CC3D
Switched to 4S :)
Hi , QAV 400 - LibrePilot
Self made frame, after arms upgraded to some 25mm china arms. emax cooling series MT2204, revo board with libre pilot, cheapest gimbal I could build from alexmoss style with gopro, aluminium 200 grams, separate battery ( need to tun it a bit more) 6040 props, 4s 2200 turnigy, about 15 minm flight hovering around, and 10 to 12 min flying around not so aggressively
Nice movies up here!!
Hi all here is Santa, I got my test quad up and running this week again. I hope you like this video I mad it in a tribute to my passed away grandfather 3 days ago..Please mark the thumbs up in youtube if you like it then I know if i should do more of that.
my set up:
diatone 250mm color frame from banggood.
Graphene 3s 1300 45S hobbyking ( I can fly grying it for about 4 min, till one cell goes lower than 3.50)
CC3D from hobbyking
PM1806 emax plastic brushless motor
gopro, and go pro mount screwed to the frame ( I used a dremel) if wish to see, ask I post photo.
TX is radiolink at10 and receiver the R10D (PWM only)
propellers are the bullnose ( similar copy from banggood, very stiff, but somehow this propellers give me some vibration, might need to balance them)
Set a personal FPV range record of 4.3km with my mini Y6 hexa two weeks ago. By following my self in a car. :)
Found enough internet to upload a vid.
(The BMW vid is excellent - is that a new level of overcoming giddiness or does it feel ok ?)
Found enough internet to upload a vid.
(The BMW vid is excellent - is that a new level of overcoming giddiness or does it feel ok ?)
Congratulations to finding internet. :P Nice forest exploration, I love flying around like that in tight forest after I confronted my greatest FPV fear(trees) by just, doing the opposite of avoiding them. :)
Hmm, flying FPV from car feels a bit strange, done it a few times now. Especially in the start as I was flying backwards and the car started moving forward. moving backwards and forward at the same time is a funny feeling :). But after a minute or so I got kinda use to it, I tend to be able to almost completely disconnect my body's senses and "be" the copter.
Sweet top tip. Ta.
Will try for a 'disconnect ' when I get someone to drive Land Rover through woods whilst I Fpv the journey.
FPV Freedom.Custom built HEXI 350 with the REVO, no GPS on board.
Custom QUADI 400, its slowly coming together.
Revo with V9GPS
Just got to move the camera forward some more, add in some anti jello, then Crossfire RX and it will be a awesome open county flyer.
The V9 GPS saved me today, failsafe kicked in RTB and land, got control of it again.
2.4gig is history soon.
Nice and smooth those QAV 400's. Thats what made me want to make my own 400.
Here my QUADI 400 on its first big flight, going to be a epic open country flyer.
and here is the Hexi, both running REVO - HEXI has a NAZA GPS.
2x CC3D 250 size quad, LibrePilot (next)
Little bit of jello, but amount of fun we had that day outweighs all that ;)
Had some urban exploration with my gimbaled copter. Abandoned theme park. Ended with my hexa drowning in the pool sadly. Luckily it looks like after drying the revo and V9 GPS survived. but haven't diagnosed if its completely ok yet.
Had some urban exploration with my gimbaled copter. Abandoned theme park. Ended with my hexa drowning in the pool sadly. Luckily it looks like after drying the revo and V9 GPS survived. but haven't diagnosed if its completely ok yet.
Nice work again Zallestial.
Hope your Fpv going ok ?
Here's my offering , very raw and best viewed on small screen maybe.
Hi guys,video flying today in menorca island.
Just some testing with PiCamera Wifi Live feed...
Featuring VelocityRoam and Freeriding :-)
Riding on the sunset at -5° Celsius...
250 size copter, Falcon F4 fc, LibrePilot (next+), DSHOT esc testing, onboard video (low res + osd)
Strapped a runcam on to my 180 :
Had some nice FPV racing practice with friends in the forest last weekend.
Revo Nano running Librepilot 16.09 auto tuned, without cam on tho, thinking of making a new tune with the camera on. Also running OneShot125, thinking of trying to enable mutlishot since littlebee 30A should handle it.
And another short vid.
Finally done some editing of sorts ( removed a bit from the middle and added titles )
Includes a flip / roll of sorts !
Testing some rate mode improvements:
- ASWA (aka airmode in betaflight) fixes - as it appears, ASWA was broken ever since it was introduced into OP. Problem was in clearing Iterm with zero throttle, even during the flight.
- RATE mode uses superrate like in betaflight, no expo at all.
HW: Omnibus F4, dshot600 esc (mixed: fvt littlebee 30A, dys 30A), emax 2205-2300 motors, turnigy graphene 4S/1300mah, Runcam micro swift cam, frsky xm+ rx
FW: LibrePilot (omnibusf4 + LP-549 + superrate branch)
OSD: LibrePilot built in osd with direct control from main processor.
Testing some rate mode improvements:
- ASWA (aka airmode in betaflight) fixes - as it appears, ASWA was broken ever since it was introduced into OP. Problem was in clearing Iterm with zero throttle, even during the flight.
- RATE mode uses superrate like in betaflight, no expo at all.
HW: Omnibus F4, dshot600 esc (mixed: fvt littlebee 30A, dys 30A), emax 2205-2300 motors, turnigy graphene 4S/1300mah, Runcam micro swift cam, frsky xm+ rx
FW: LibrePilot (omnibusf4 + LP-549 + superrate branch)
OSD: LibrePilot built in osd with direct control from main processor.
Ooooh cant wait to try one of these newer super versions of librepilot with dshot and fixed ASWA. Feels like Im the only one in the world going to FPV races with librepilot. None of the other racers beliave me when I say I use librepilot. :P
Ooooh cant wait to try one of these newer super versions of librepilot with dshot and fixed ASWA. Feels like Im the only one in the world going to FPV races with librepilot. None of the other racers beliave me when I say I use librepilot. :P
Sorry for off-topic, as it belongs more to testing section (you do it on your own risk) but what works for me:
I have a new micro-copter based on Omnibus F4 stack (
So I tested mr_w branch as follow
git clone
# Then add remote repository
git remote add mr_w
# Then I fetched branches without any merges
git fetch mr_w
# Then I just switched to his branch
git checkout mr_w/omnibus_f3_f4
And followed standard procedure described on Wiki how to compile on Linux, just with one difference
make all_sdk_install
make qt_sdk_install
make omnibusf4 bl_omnibusf4_hex gcs -j 8
It produced bl_omnibus_f4.hex (bl_ for bootloader alone) which is the bootloader in format that can be uploaded from BetaFlight configurator.
Then I just started compiled gcs, and triggered rescue mode, plugged again board flashed fw_omnibusf4.hex (fw_ for firmware alone).
Not a rate flight yet, but for compatibility with this video section wanted to check if it works
There is no GUI for board peripherals so UART1 had to be set for Sbus functionality in Configuration->UAVObject Browser in HwOmnibusF4Settings
Before that, I was unable to get it working with pre-flashed BF, due to inputs randomly jumping over 50% on all Sbus channel but works with LP just fine.
Another one, this time not testing anything. Just having fun :)
Video gadget testing, with return to base (and a physical lost GPS at 3:33).
(TheOtherCliff changed the address from to so it will display correctly)
Just a nice sunset near the beach :) (
Few summer sights from a mountain in Bulgaria.
Flight above the highest peak on the Balkans (Musala - 2925 m).
FPV flight with Revolution FC based ZMR250, OPLINK for radio control. (
Summer holiday memories: Belmeken Dam (1923m a.s.l.) in Rila Mountain, Bulgaria.
GepRC Mark4 7" quad: (
HDCam: Runcam5 Orange.
Hope you will enjoy the sights. (
thank you jdl!
very enjoyable indeed.
Your video makes me want to play in the clouds again. :)
Beautiful scenery and excellent video quality!
Glad you like it!
A short compilation of selected moments from recent flights. Nice places of the Strandja coast, Bulgaria.
Flown with GepPC Mk4 and MiniTalon, both with Revolution FC and OpLink for long-range radio control. (
Nice jdl ;D
I have been to Sofia in business but could not imagine the country had such beautiful places.
So Strandja is over at Black Sea.
Hope to post something here after summer. Have a speed boat running on revo board.
Thanks, karla. Glad you like it!
Indeed, it's hard to know a country, especially its nature / landscapes by just visiting few cities.
Bulgaria has a beautiful nature and lots of places to visit. As usual, the most beautiful are harder to reach :)
Aside from this, it's a matter of luck to be there at the right moment and have the necessary equipment with you.
True. Actually I am likely going to Sofia again at the end of the year.
Will consider to add a day and browse around a bit :)
Happy to share this short video, it's a result of a long anticipated visit (with the necessary FPV equipment in my backpack ;) ) to this beautiful and favorite place in Rila Mountain (Bulgaria).
The Seven Rila Lakes ( (
Did you have to hike far? How much elevation change during hike?
I did hike, 7.8km walking distance and 810m of positive elevation change between the take-off location and where I've left the car (these numbers are from the GPS tracklog).
Actually, the Seven Rila Lakes are easily accessible and tens of thousands of people visit them every summer. There is a convenient chair lift there that goes up to 2100m (right to the Rilski Ezera hut) and most of tourists/visitors use it. The lift saves a 500m of elevation change and about 5km of walking.
I just persisted to use my feet :). I hadn't been there for years and wished to feel the forest and the mountain.
Good sport! Nice scenery
Not far from Sofia also.
I probably use the cable car if I go there :)
I'm sure you won't regret! :)
@JDL: Your videos are so smooth. I don't see a gimbal. Is that the RunCam image stabilization doing that? Post-processing?
Is image stabilization available in all the RunCam recording cameras (2, 2-4K, 3, Split, 5, etc.)?
I have a pitch/roll gimbal on the MiniTalon and it makes a great job. But most of my videos come from quadcopter flights, no gimbal there.
Aside from making my best to fly as smooth as possible, I do software post-processing with proDAD Mercalli.
AFAIK only this Runcam camera (Runcam5 Orange) has EIS. But I find this inbuilt video stabilization to be inefficient and even harmful.
There is a new and somehow exciting functionality introduced in the latest Runcam5 Orange firmwares: an automatic generation of .csv file with gyroscope data that is saved to the MicroSD card. This allows for direct post-processing stabilization with the gyroflow ( (similar to ReelSteadyGO for GoPro cameras).
This project is still under development and looks quite promissing. However, at its present state (gyroflow 0.3.0-beta), the results I've got trying to stabilize video footage from my flights with gyroflow are definitely inferior compared to proDAD Mercalli. On the other side, Mercalli v5 costs almost $300 now, against $0 for gyroflow 0.3.0 ...
Thanks! I just read that the image stabilization can cause a jerkiness in yaw and there was a recommendation to turn it off.
It looks like RC5 has image stabilization but RC2-4K has WiFi (on/off and a useful app), microphone, "sudden power loss video save" and selectable FOV that RC5 doesn't have. At least that is what the two Amazon listings say. That makes it sound like the RC2-4K is the better one for me.
Are there any FPV HD recording cameras that can do low light?
Thanks! I just read that the image stabilization can cause a jerkiness in yaw and there was a recommendation to turn it off.
Definitely, EIS should be turned off for flight footage!
It looks like RC5 has image stabilization but RC2-4K has WiFi (on/off and a useful app), microphone, "sudden power loss video save" and selectable FOV that RC5 doesn't have. At least that is what the two Amazon listings say. That makes it sound like the RC2-4K is the better one for me.
RC5 Orange has better sensor and optics and offers very good lens distortion correction that gives better results compared to applying a lens distortion correction in post-processing.
RC5 has a mic, too.
WiFi is useful but I find the RC5 Orange configuration method (2D barcodes) more convenient and fast.
Sudden power loss is unlikely to happen with RC5 Orange as it has an inbuilt battery. RC2-4k can be used without battery (for weight saving) on external power, so a "sudden power loss" here is much more likely to happen. Haven't tested this feature of RC2-4k as I use it with both a battery and external power.
RC2-4k has a quite decent SD video out that can be used for FPV. I'm not sure if RC5 Orange has it?!
I personally prefer using RC2-4k on a plane and feel RC5 Orange is better suited for a quad.
Are there any FPV HD recording cameras that can do low light?
No idea. Haven't seen anything that seems satisfactory yet...
I've got an RC5 and 128GB SDXC coming. This one will mainly be used with quads. I will make a TV-out/power cable from a spare micro USB cable.
Any ideas about remote control cables (or adapters) that they don't seem to make any more? I've seen a reddit post linking to instructions to make a video/still adapter with start-video/take-picture. I wonder if something could be done with the BetaFlight code that talks to the cable to do full menu traversal plus camera mode / start.
RC5 USD $117.69 including tax and shipping
Sandisk 128GB SDXC U3 160MB/s USD $20.21 including tax and shipping
I suppose the RC5 Orange may output TV-out through its microusb port, if properly set.
However I doubt it can be remote controlled to start/stop video or take pictures (I'm unaware it's capable of recording still images). I recall it is RC2-4k the one that has such features.
I'm curious to read this reddit post about the video/still adapter, there might be useful info there!
I can't find a reddit post right now, but here are two ways to control it. 1 - electronically close the button contacts, 2 - make a partial remote control cable
(This page links to another that describes #2)
About the remote control for RunCam 5, I may be thinking of the tv-out cable which works with many different runcam models including RC5.
I can't find the reddit post at all (and it may have been about the other cable), but the aforementioned post links to the important post (make a partial remote control) and also describes electronically closing the main button.
About the remote control for RunCam 5, I may be thinking of the tv-out cable which works with many different runcam models including RC5 but banggood has a specific page called "runcam 5 remote control adapter" that you get from Google when you just search for runcam remote control. It is just click bait.
Right! A nasty practice of their.
User manual of RC5 does not mention neither taking still pictures, not remote control capabilities.
According the manual, TV-Out is supported.
Yea, note that my search just said "runcam remote control" (without quotes, no mention of the number 5), but they returned the banggood page "runcam 5 remote control adapter". It might even be google using my past search history or "liked searches".
If expense is a primary concern, it looks like ordering directly from may be the best price. It is the typical list price, but free shipping and for non-VAT countries at least, no tax. Probably coming from China, et. al.
I went ahead and ordered an RC2-4K and some cables from them. I paid an extra USD $3 to get tracking.
I've got my last Runcams and accessories directly from their site ( and have no complaints.
Both Runcam2-4k and RC5 Orange capture great quality videos. I'd only wish they had a little better HDR at sunset conditions, flying directly towards the sun (although I don't have any GoPros for comparison). For their price of approx. $100 I'm more than happly with what I get from them.
The Ropotamo Estuary ( (
GepRC Mk4 7" / Revolution FC / LibrePilot / Runcam5 Orange