Just come across something to might be improvable in the GCS, or more specifically the Vehicle Setup wizard.
I accidentally set my ESC outputs to PWMSync at 490Hz when I recently setup up my new Hex and I think that was the cause of a fairly big crash I suffered. I made this mistake partly because I didn't see 400Hz listed (granted, my own fault) and partly because I couldn't remember exactly what my quad was set to as it was a while ago. I also note there's a step in the Vehicle Setup wizard that asks about Rapid ESCs etc. Maybe this could be amended with a more significant check. Instead of asking whether the ESCs are rapid etc, maybe ask what firmware you are using on them: Stock, SimonK, BLHeli. Then, if the user chooses Stock the PWMSync and OneShot125 options are disabled on the Output page of the GCS?
Just a little protection from the mistake I made because, if this is the cause of my crash, I was flying happily for a good 10 minutes before this caused a problem, so it's easy to miss it as everything seems fine.
Just a thought, would welcome your opinions.