PWM Pass through
« on: February 06, 2016, 09:14:56 pm »

Does CC3D support PWM pass through?

What I mean by 'pass through' is the ability to connect a Rx PWM channel to the CC3D board and have this assignable to a CC3D output with the ability to tweak the range/scaled via GCS.

I had a good rummage around the GCS software but I saw no way to do this and ended up just connecting a servo directly to the Rx but this doesn't give the the fine tuning and tweak-ability I would expect to get if there was a uController sat in-between.

Maybe it's just a waste of CPU cycles?
{chassis:"Hovership MHQ2 (3D printed)", flightController:
    "CC3D Atom", pdb:"CC3D with BEC", tx:"FlySky i6", rx:"FS-IA6", motors:"RHD D2204-2300K", esc:"Ebay 20A ESCs (SimonK?)", battery:"Turnigy Nano-Tech 1500mah 25-50C, LIPO" }


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Re: PWM Pass through
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2016, 09:30:08 pm »
The pass through is done in Vehicle tab

It can be used for buzzer output or servo