I recently purchased a storm SRD280 w/ CCD3 and bought a used Spectrum DX8. I bound it to a OrangeRx R615X DSM2/DSMX. I can adjust the ESCs in open pilot and I can bind the transmitter and receiver but when in the TX setup I can't get the sticks to register. What am I missing?I'm new to RC and would appreciate some help.
I don't have Spectrum DX8, but by analogy, maybe this can help. I know that after binding my transmiter to receiver (other brand) I had to change settings on the transmitter to output ruder, alieron, elevator, etc... to certain channels. Maybe that also has to be done on DX8 ?There is also nice wiki description and link to youtube movie how to get CC3D working with original Spectrum Satellite receiver. It might be similar with orange.https://librepilot.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LPDOC/Setup+a+Spektrum+SatelliteIf that does not help, please write.
Hi Long shot , but I've had this when I've forgotten to connect battery for transmitter wizard set up. ( I also have small quads and a used dx8 - found an improvement when I changed from Orange rx to genuine spektrum ar610 )Cheers