I would appreciate some advice regarding how to configure the GCS, Configuration, Stabilization, Thrust PID Scaling.
It's about a speed boat, not a quad or fixed wing or heli, so its rather an exotic question

From stock default settings for YAW, i put PIDs down some 30%
from 1. to 2.
1. PID = 0.0062 | 0.01 | 0.00005,
2. PID = 0.0045 | 0.007 | 0.000035
But I do not want to bring them down further.
Rather research the option to use the TPS function of LibrePilot to mitigate this problem.
There are several options to specify:

1. Source:
a. ManualControlThrottle
b. StabilizationDesiredThrust
c. ActuatorDesiredThrust
What I want is the TPS to be in affect in Stabilization for AxisLock, RTB and Path follower waypoints.
What to select?

? its not really intuitive
2. Targets:
There are several options: P or I or D or several combinations of them, I what all PIDs to be changed,
So I chose PID - right?
3: Axis:
I just want YAW to be adjusted, so that's what i specify?
This is how it runs in Yaw Manual mode - smooth

This is how it runs with Yaw in AxisLock mode - oscillations

My goal is to have a smooth run even when apply AxisLock stabilization to Yaw at full throttle.
Thanks a lot

B t w The return to base is ll working fine now after some setting changes

The complete boat build is described here :