OK, I did autotuning with 4S and now flying with 4S is smooth but only in lower-middle throttle range. On high throttle quad gets wobbling and props sounds like get high turbulance.
Does autotune may help with tuning to get rid of that wobbling in high throttle? I noticed that practically autotune "tune" always in low throttle (need quad to hoover), so how get proper tuning in high throttle ranges?
AutoTune (and indeed any tuning) just tunes for the throttle you are using doing the tuning. The solution is to use Stabilization->Advanced->ThrustPIDScaling to automatically increase PIDs at lower throttle and decrease PIDs at higher throttle. Make sure that you start with what ever throttle stick position you were using being on the horizontal axis line. That means at that throttle setting the PIDs will not be either increased or decreased. From there you make lower throttle have higher PIDs and higher throttle have lower PIDs.
Test and adjust the graph (probably just a straight line with slope and above axis on left side / below axis on right side and goes through horizontal axis at the throttle you did the tune at). Note that you can feel some wobble when descending straight down at medium speed the increases in PID for low throttle settings will help make that better, in addition to the reduction of PIDs at high throttle removing wobbles at high throttle.
I'll try change props from 5x4.99 to 5x3 (250 frame) and test it again.
Of course you should retune if using different props...

That strange that little volt change 3S->4S with same battery weight (I use different bat capacity when switching beetwen 3S/4S to preserve almost the same weight) makes that big difference in quad (in)stability....
Decreasing voltage by 4/3 decreases power by roughly (4/3)x(4/3) = 16/9 or about a factor of 2. Decreasing power by a factor of 2 makes it accelerate it's flips only half as fast and requires PIDs to be reduced by about a factor of 2 (if I recall the math correctly) to avoid oscillation.
Thirst I did autotune with default PID with 3S then I used new PIDs (for 3S) to autotune with 4S...
As I recall, that should work OK. 3s will have lower PIDs, so it is OK to tune 4s with them. I personally always do AutoTune using default PIDs if they work well.
As I understand how SmoothQuick works: it just change in +- PID values in some range, but changes I see (not tested in real flight yet) are very low to work with my quad, I think. When I tested PIDs manually I didn't see any differ when values (in attitude mode) are for an example 4,6 or 8,5: quad behaves the same...
I see a very noticeable difference between Smooth and Quick. Smooth is good for taking video. Quickest can even have slight wobble (I use self stabilizing mode like Attitude).
Autotune can cause problems with D-Term oscillation (invisible yaw oscillation). There is a SystemIdentSettings->DerivativeFactor setting (no retune, just change this and re-save with the new PIDs). If you notice motors are hot from just hovering, or short battery life (as compare to say using default PIDs), you may have this issue.