Testing the MS4525DO unit in air, looking very promising

Mounted it in the pre cut-out compartment in the wing and had to cut down the length of the plastic tubes a lot, to fit it in.

Its mounted in the left wing and I wanted to calibrate it.
Just using the default settings for the air speed sensor as posted before here by f5soh and me.

This maiden flight is 5 min at the beach. The wind is coming from the sea at just below 6 m/s, very stable not gusty. I am flying close figure eights turning in to the wind, then land. I don't trust myself to fly in manual mode so this is in attitude, attitude, manual, manual in Basic AttEstAlgo.
This is the log from the 5 min flight showing airspeed and gps reported groundspeed.
I think the average airspeed and the average groundspeed align just fine at around 15.5 m/s.

Over at ArduPilot its suggested for the zero calibration of wind speed:
https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/calibrating-an-airspeed-sensor.html#manual-calibration )
The airspeed varies with the square root of the pressure, so for differential pressures near zero it varies quite a bit with very small pressure changes, while at flying speeds it takes much greater pressure changes to produce a similar change in speed. If you see mostly 0, 1, 2, with an occasional bounce to 3 or 4, consider it normal. You will not see that sort of variability at flying speeds.I think that's exactly what can be seen in the picture after landing with no wind - yellow circle.
Think the windspeed sensor is okay and ready to go.