then I hear like if the USB cable is getting plug back on and off.
So it sounds like you are using Windows. Removing and re-installing the driver sometimes helps for several issues, regardless of RxData/TxData. light is always solid bright and orange light is slowing fading away on and off.
LED slowly fading on and off means the FC is in bootloader mode. Always in bootloader mode means you have a bootloader, but not a working firmware. But if that were the case, then connecting through the FTDI would not connect to LP and show RxData/TxData.
1 green bar each of TX - RX
That is a tiny amount. It should be a lot more. To run it with FTDI, you would probably need a higher baud rate. This is probably not what you want to do.
Which firmware do I need to flash the board with? What drivers are needed?
GCS and FC (firmware) versions must match. Pick a version.

The default Windows install options installs the drivers you need. You could try completely uninstalling LP GCS and reinstalling it.
I have heard of timeout at UpgradeAndErase, but I don't recall any more. @f5soh will surely know more about that.
Do you have a complicated setup, perhaps with OSD? And maybe you have changed your telemetry to come out the flexi or main port instead of USB?
Try this:
- unplug USB (and all other power like flight battery / BEC)
- go to Firmware page and press Rescue
- Plug FC into USB
Does it recognize the board? If so, press Safe Boot. Did it connect and run normally? If so, your settings are changed to the point that you can't connect USB telemetry with the way you have it set. If you fix the Hardware page settings (back to stock settings) and reboot, it will probably boot normally and you can figure out how you want it set up.