I make the explained procedures step by step.Nothing changed.
What was the first error that you saw?
I tested speed changing and I saw `red x` . before ı write.Quote from: batur can on February 27, 2019, 12:47:54 pm
I make the explained procedures step by step. ... For the test my board .I loaded 'betaflight_CC3D_OPBL.bin' fw by rescue-openfile-flash on the 16.09 libre.
I do not know if this bootloader is correct. We did not make it. The explained procedure uses the bu_cc3d.opfw bootloader file from the LibrePilot wiki (link in the explained procedure above) so that we know the bootloader is correct. I do not know that the bootloader you used can cause this problem, but I request that you use the bootloader that LibrePilot made for these tests.
Yes you did not make it. Betaflight made it for the betaflight software. For test my board under betaflight software I loaded. I tested my boad with BF. İt runs withouth Problem. After I returned back the bu_cc3d.opfw . All my lıbre test done with this bootloader. Quote from: batur can on February 27, 2019, 12:47:54 pm
After I connect my board to the betaflight. It see the board and connected. I make some conf and I save my cc3d board. İt saved. I disconect the board after ı close the betaflight. I restart the beta ı connect the board all the conf ok.
Another test.
I turn back the 16.09 again. Re flash the board. Firmware tab says system healty. Board running but not save any conf.
Sorry. It seems you didn't follow the instructions which say to Erase Settings before testing any kind of save settings. If you would please try again and follow instructions exactly.
I do it may be 10 times. Ereas without erase . I tried every posibility . I will do it again for you 
Quote from: batur can on February 27, 2019, 12:47:54 pm
There is a chip close the mini port 'winbond 25016' ı think this the flash.
3-Betaflight can write the conf to the flash chip. We connot say chip is defected.
Quote from: TheOtherCliff on February 14, 2019, 04:43:18 am
Most other firmware brands (e.g. Cleanflight and Betaflight) do not use the external flash chip to save settings, they use the CPU NV memory for that, and so they work fine.
I think Libre must use the same place (cpu nv memory).Because conf security is important. There is a faisafe tab (option) on the software. But conf is not saving a failsafe area
. Conf file is important. Without conf ,Failsafe and other tabs is not important. Because board it not work without settings. If CF BF using the cpu NV. You use both (Cpu NV and external flash). Redundancy is the best. Especially for the settings. Also, I think that is probably 'Winbond 25Q16' from some Google searches. That is good information. Mine is a different brand 25P16... chip. The important part is 2516. It might be a bad run of chips, but at least it is supposed to be the correct chip. I think that Cleanflight/Betaflight use this chip for in flight logging so another test would be to run CF/BF and test the in flight logging.
It is quite common and possible for some versions of LibrePilot/OpenPilot to partially work when GCS and firmware are mismatched. It is also quite common and possible for some versions of LibrePilot/OpenPilot to fail to work when GCS and firmware are mismatched.
I will try again fallowing order. And I will return back to you.İn Addition I will buy one pieces 25q16 chip ant I will try replace the chip.It would help if you would please try again, in order, using the instructions to:
- flash LibrePilot bootloader with file from LibrePilot wiki as described
- Upgrade firmware using Manual method as described
- Erase Settings as described
- Try to change and save baud rate as described
(with nothing else in between these tests)
This may or may not fix it. If it does not fix it, where did it first fail? There are other things we can test and ways around whatever failed. I thank you for your help in trying to fix this issue.