Thank you for your reply.
LibrePilot is the only open source firmware, that I am aware of, that supports CCPM helicopters. I do have a VBar and it's easy to use, but I would like to have some telemetry data for OSD and LibrePilot is the only one I know of that can do this. I think that the configuration part is the smallest hurdle here.
I have some experience in configuring CC3D for CCPM. The Biggest hurdle I am facing is porting the LibrePilot for Flip32AIO board. I have done something similar before with iNav. In my fixed wing I currently have RaceFlight Revolt running iNav. This is currently not supported board, but it seems to work great. I have not flight tested it yet, because of some non-flight controller related radio issues I am having. (My Si4430 modules don't seem to be protocol compatible with RF22B's used in HobbyKing Orange modules, but that's subject of another topic.)
Anyway, LibrePilot seems to be way more complex when it comes to source files for targets than i.e. iNav, but hey who does not like a challenge?
The logic behind my question was, that if the next branch does not have any new features for CCPM helicopters, would I be better of using master branch for developing, as I assume it has less bug's in it. Also, what I have gathered reading some discussions, these F1 boards are considered somewhat obsolete, so there is not a huge interest on the LibrePilot development teams side to spend their valuable time on them, even though the F1 processor is more than capable for CCPM stabilization if one does not need any UAV or navigation support.
It seems that the drone scene is killing CCPM helicopters, which is sad, because a scale CCPM helicopter is way more beautiful (and IMHO fun) than some ugly quad will ever be.

Reasons for edits:
Tried to make the text more readable, but having a flu and fever does not help...