Here is a thread where you can post "I bought this FC (web link) and it...":
- works perfectly
- had these fixable issues (explain) (generally the baro issue should go here)
- avoid this one (explain) (generally more than simple soldering is required to fix it)
works perfectly should testing include all features (gyros, accels, mags, baro, RF, FlexiPort, MainPort, FlexiIO, RecvrPort, ESC connectors) or at least include a list of what was not tested.
FC's that have RF should come with cable/antenna of some sort. Please remark if they do not.
Sparky2s don't come with a receiver cable. For the receiver connector, I recommend soldering a servo cable to it (that plugs in your receiver) instead of the 3 pin servo connector that then requires a special male male servo extension.
Include shipping cost in price and make a note if the shipping was NOT international and may cost more.
If you see a post that is the same as what you would write, just do a "reply with quote" and add your name and +1 (or more for more FC's) outside the quote. I will delete your post and modify the quoted post with your name and +1.
Use the FC names provided unless you see that I forgot one.

I will try to maintain this first post as a summary of community findings. Initially this will try to be a list of places where you can buy a good FC, but later I will try to add a list of places / board types to avoid. I will mark posts when I add them to the summary.
There are no official places to buy any of these any more. The closest thing is that Sasquatchlabs sells what is left of the final run of official OP Nanos (and some OpLinks). Also, the official Sparky2 seller stopped selling them and an eBay seller seems to be selling the remains of that authentic lot.
Maybe we can start similar lists for GPSs, OpLinks (even ESCs, motors, Lipos, RC radios....) etc.
CC3D full sized, vertical pins:
CC3D full sized, horizontal pins:
CC3D full sized, unsoldered pins:
CC3D Atom:
CC3D EVO (extra connectors with 3.3V power for DSM satellite Rx):
Nano (Revo Nano)
final authentic run
comes with case and PWM cable
+2 purchased at different times, for $25 plus $5 USA shipping, I don't know about international shipping
be careful of shipping charges if you add items
[s][/s] ( web store has closed)
Revo full sized, full featured, vertical pins (German flag colors black red yellow), vertical RF connector
comes with case, SMA cable with bulkhead mount, and SMA antenna
comes with PWM cable and several 4 pin accessory cables
+4 purchase for $47 shipped international
-1+1 "I did have an issue with my oplink but it was a missing component. Bandgood replace it no cost."
(I assume the issue was that the Revo RF didn't work.)
+1 purchase for $57 shipped USA to USA (international available)
Revo full sized, full featured, horizontal pins:
Revo full sized, full featured, unsoldered pins:
Revo full sized, missing RF:
Revo full sized, that version with slightly rearranged components that interfere with mounting hole:
Revo mini sized, full featured:
Revo mini sized, separate RF board:
Sparky2 vertical pins:
requires soldering and cutting solder off with a knife
comes with cable / coil spring antenna
comes with several 4 pin cables (2, 4pin to 4pin and 1, 4pin to 4x1pin)
lately the 3 pin receiver connector is soldered on
lately it comes with a case
+3 purchased at different times, for about $35 shipped, had these fixable issues (baro is OK)
must carefully carve away a solder blob on the tiny tiny RF connector with a jeweler's loupe and modelling knife
must solder a power jumper (even though it looks like it is already jumpered) and the receiver connector
they add shipping charges and then add more charges when you check out, still a good price though
-1+1 bought one 20170606 that has a lot of mag bias that I couldn't get rid of by degaussing. It calibrates and works OK.
Sparky2 horizontal pins:
Sparky2 unsoldered pins:
perfect but requires soldering (pins need to be soldered in)
final authentic run
comes with cable / coil spring antenna but no mount
comes with 3 or 4, 4 pin cables
comes with unsoldered 3x1 pin straight for receiver connection
comes with unsoldered 3x6 pin straight for ESC/servo connection
comes with unsoldered 3x6 pin angle for ESC/servo connection
must solder the receiver connector, receiver voltage select jumper, and servo/ESC connector pins
+3 purchase for $43 shipped international