Hello All,
After a braek I picked up my old RC hobby again.
I used to fly planes a lot, and I started with a heli just before I had to quit flying due to time management issues (a.k.a. family stuff)

The planes are gone, but my heli is still here.
This is my currect flight gear:
Transmitter: Multiplex Cockpit MM
Receiver: MultiplexMicro IPD
Heli: Protech Zoom 425 CCPM (with flybar)
Flight Control Board: Mini CC3D
The transmitter/receiver combination is old, but still working flawless, but when I combine it with the CC3D I experience what could be described as uncontrolled servo fluttering on pitch. Not continuously, but not I cannot control when if happens too.
It is not completely random or uncontrolled. All three servo's work exactly together but with uncontrolled pitch as result. I'm pretty sure this is coming from the flight control board, since I never experienced this without it.
Only thing is, I have no clue what is causing this. Especially because pitch is completely manual controlled (as far as I can find)
Does anyone have similar experiences with the CC3D and maybe found a solution or has a clue where to look?
Maybe a hint for who is looking into the problem. Since I could not get the flight controller working from the start, I downloaded the file 1307Blackie.uav and started out from there.
Best regards