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Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« on: May 12, 2017, 04:06:01 pm »
This is my problem . Motors 1+4 do not spin up . i have swapped the ecs`s around on the cc3d and it is not them . Now for the odd thing ,esc calibrate fine all spin up , output test again all spin up ,,,,,but if i then arm the motors ,only 2+3 spin ,,,then if i go back to output test the same two motors will not spin .
anyone have an answer to this , i have tested different model profiles ect ,cleared the setting out and started again but i have this problem .   



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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2017, 07:33:51 pm »
test ->
power up board by usb -> then power up esc , does it work now?
also post your config , so we can see what you have done.

are you using ext-mag? (i2c mag) you have a cc3d  no mag :-X
« Last Edit: May 12, 2017, 08:53:36 pm by Jhinta »

Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2017, 10:04:40 pm »
Part of this (two motors more power than the others) is normal operation (For Stabilized1 / Attitude mode) if the quad is not level or you need to redo "board level calibration".  The other motors should start to spin if you give it more power.

The fact that the not all motors start once you move the throttle stick up a little says that you probably don't have your motor neutrals set correctly.


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2017, 10:20:02 pm »
i just pent an age typing a msg that did not post ,,,,i will have to do it again .

You need to read my msg again , as that is not my problem . in a nutshell all spin up in "output test"
but not in normal use ,only 2 + 3 run  1 + 4  do not spin at all and it is not the motor esc as i swapped them round .


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2017, 10:34:08 pm »
I have just read the link you posted , it looks the same as i have been doing up to around step 12 . i will give it ago in the morning



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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2017, 11:25:41 pm »
right i did that , same .    Motors 1+4 run fine in output test ,but not with the radio .  I have run out of things to try .


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2017, 12:07:31 pm »
I did a downgrade to 15.09  and got the same .   i am starting to thing it is a board fault .

i have followed the vids on u-tube around 20 + times and with and without the wizard but it is always the same .

the kit came from Portsmouth ,cc3d is a black one and not the the white boards i have seen on u-tube .


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2017, 04:27:15 pm »
I did a downgrade to 15.09  and got the same .   i am starting to thing it is a board fault .

i have followed the vids on u-tube around 20 + times and with and without the wizard but it is always the same .

the kit came from Portsmouth ,cc3d is a black one and not the the white boards i have seen on u-tube .

Simply do it manual (remove props !)

flash and reset
setup motor output in vehicle setup  (likely 1234)
also what drone you have (Quad X config?) - save

Under output select your esc type (onshot?) and
set max 1900 (or 2000 depends on esc) set min to 1000 link all  - save
then only click on a slide bar and hit home/end and see if sliders move min/max/min/max etc -> leave it at MAX - save
connect battery , and esc calibration sound sould be heard directly hit home-key (setting back slider to minimal) witch ends caibration
remove battery, and reconnect battery
select test output - save

move slider to point that all motors ->>starts-spining<<and save  (optional enable motor spin at natural when armed)
- save
disable test output - save

then setup the rest
now when your have your quad armed all your motos sould be spinning

my gues is that you failed at esc calibration / or esc do not all arm when battery is connected i have that with my big quad, somtimes need to reconnect battery to get esc to work ( when connection you can hear and see witch are arming)

also you can calibrate your esc on by one  as they all beeb and you cant hear witch is not in calibration mode) ( make sure you have your props off)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 04:56:18 pm by Jhinta »

Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2017, 07:55:52 pm »
Don't use AlwaysArmed if you are.

Are you aware that you must let it sit motionless immediately after plugging the battery in and until it starts then stops flashing fast?

What does the flight display show for leveling?  Is display level when aircraft is level?

What does the flight display show for alarms in System Health?  What does hovering over red or orange areas in System Health tell you with popup?

Is this a simple normal setup?  What things have been changed that a beginner would not normally change?

What receiver protocol are you using and what FC pin is it connected to?

What optional modules / features do you have enabled?


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2017, 09:43:38 pm »
Right thanks for the reply, first i am not new quads or rc just never played with a cc3d fc b4.
right hand up !! i tripped over myself with how i tested it b4 and what i found .   for what ever reason the problem is not with the FC in anyway ,it is with the TWO esc`s as if i swap them around the fault always stays with them and the channels out of the FC are good .   Now how to fix the problem ?    I have done the calibrate test many times , now the bleeps ,they make a lot of bleeps and tunes but i cant find anywhere that tells me what it all means .     Do you recommend i unplug the esc`s and only do them one at a time ?  and what should the bleep sound like with a good save .  as i think that they are not saving things


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2017, 12:24:17 am »
> jhinta   I gave your method a go but just the same . Motors 1+4 just do a small kick when i arm and slowly
open the throttle but no spin , but they do on a "output test" but not after i armed it and gone back to the output test they don't work just 2+3,

loosing faith with this now , i have spent what seems like a age on this .

ps in your instructions (i just did it with one of the two n/w ones) you said "calibration bleeps" i heard nothing.
pps i did the method in the video ...got 8 bleeps ,same result 1+4 no spin.   
« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 12:56:51 am by g0tjh »

Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2017, 05:00:48 am »
Motors and ESCs usually burn out the same way; one of the three wires gets burned out and disconnected.  The result is the same.  When you try to start the motor it jumps a little.  Worse yet, some firmware will burn something up if you use a lot of throttle to try to start the motor when there is just a bad connection but nothing burned up yet.

Make sure it is the ESC or the motor and that it is not just a bad solder joint, like at one of the connectors.  I have had some motors come with badly soldered bullet connectors from the factory.  If you catch it and fix it before burning something up, it will be OK.


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2017, 01:39:35 pm »
what esc do you have?


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Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2017, 04:48:38 pm »
they look like emax ,,,green cap poking out the end with black sheaving on it . .
This is what i did ,cut out the FC and run them one at a time into the rx . .2+3 spin up as always .
1+4 do not ,,, well sort of .Like this they all stutter a bit on throttle up ,2+3 will spin up (they never not spun up)
but 1+4 will spot then do nothing till the power is cycled . I did the end point calibration like this and it all went fine so i would say it is one of the other settings like timing or slow start or something but i dont know how to change or reset it . keeping max throttle for more than normal for end calibrate dose not do anything     

Re: Help not all motors spin up 1+4 , 2+3 o/k
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2017, 06:32:52 pm »
Ohhhhh!!!   :)

I had some ESCs that had an older firmware version and motors would only spin up if I spun them up slowly.  The problem is that when the quad is not perfectly level, the motors that are a little bit low (because the quad is tilted a tiny amount) try to start harder (to bring the low arms up) than the ones that are high.

The temporary solution is to try and see which motors don't start this time (important), then tilt the quad to make the motors that won't spin up (they are lower than the others) just a tiny bit higher and try again to start very gently with small amount of throttle.  If you do this several times, you will get it level enough that all 4 motors will start and it will be fine for the whole flight as long as you don't stop the motors.  Also you may want to readjust your motor ESC neutrals to make them as slow as possible.

The permanent solution is to flash the latest firmware into the ESCs.

It's been a long time since I had this problem, especially since now I always flash new firmware as part of any build project.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 06:24:06 am by TheOtherCliff »