I did a downgrade to 15.09 and got the same . i am starting to thing it is a board fault .
i have followed the vids on u-tube around 20 + times and with and without the wizard but it is always the same .
the kit came from Portsmouth ,cc3d is a black one and not the the white boards i have seen on u-tube .
Simply do it manual (remove props !)
flash and reset
setup motor output in vehicle setup (likely 1234)
also what drone you have (Quad X config?) - save
Under output select your esc type (onshot?) and
set max 1900 (or 2000 depends on esc) set min to 1000 link all - save
then only click on a slide bar and hit home/end and see if sliders move min/max/min/max etc -> leave it at MAX - save
connect battery , and esc calibration sound sould be heard directly hit home-key (setting back slider to minimal) witch ends caibration
remove battery, and reconnect battery
select test output - save
move slider to point that all motors ->>starts-spining<<and save (optional enable motor spin at natural when armed)
- save
disable test output - save
then setup the rest
now when your have your quad armed all your motos sould be spinning
my gues is that you failed at esc calibration / or esc do not all arm when battery is connected i have that with my big quad, somtimes need to reconnect battery to get esc to work ( when connection you can hear and see witch are arming)
also you can calibrate your esc on by one as they all beeb and you cant hear witch is not in calibration mode) ( make sure you have your props off)