f5soh, thanks for clarifications! Import - reboot - import sequence works. Not absolutely sure, but I think the GPSSettings are imported on the first import attempt, even if GPS module is disabled in HWSettings at the moment.
I should try and migrate to official 16.09 then, as this issue
https://librepilot.atlassian.net/browse/LP-408 persists in RC1 too. No real other excuse to stay with RC1. I have some doubts that telemetry works in RC1 even if OpLink modem is not connected at boot, but I'll test and report back.
Got it about INS13+CF. Any source of info about this INS13+CF fusion algorithm?
TheOtherCliff, 10x!
The OpLink has a lot of potential, obviously. Just needs good antennas, because of low transmitter power.
Found in RFM22B datasheet it can support diversity antennas setup with a few external components. This would be a nice and exciting future enhancement for Revo boards!
As for the FPV video, this ZMR250 has 5.8GHz 600mW Eachine TX526 VTX on channel B1 (5733MHz).
The transmitter antenna is my favourite budget DYS
https://www.banggood.com/DYS-FPV-5_8G-Antenna-4dBi-Mushroom-Antenna-RHCP-TX-RX-SMA-RP-SMA-Male-p-1065852.html. I found that it noticeable outperforms the not-bad-at-all Aomway Cloverleafs (my former favourites) - either for long distances, or for park flying in the woods.
2.4-to-433 relay station with dipole antenna stays on a tripod, 1.3m above ground. If I put the tripod on the roof of the car, additional height makes connection noticeable better

But that day it was so windy that the tripod was blown away twice, together with the relay box, 5.8VRx and antennas and I had to put it on the ground and additionally fix its legs. Still, the distance test was a success.
For that particular 4km video (with known flight direction) the receiver was Boscam FR632, fixed below the 433MHz transmitter on the tripod, 1m above ground, with two directional antennas - Aomway 7-turn helical and TrueRC Crosshair, both pointed in the expected flight direction.
For normal range flights the same omnidirectional DYS cloverleaf on the receiver is OK for me for distances up to 2km, where some noticeable snow begins. I'm planning to build antenna tracker station (already got parts) when I have some time to spend with it. Also bought 1.3GHz VTX/VRX to put it on the wing, if and when I hit the limits of 5.8GHz. Still, the wing cannot go further than 2km with its (possible faulty) OpLink, I'll replace its Revo soon and I hope to go much further

Here is what my relay box looks like inside, not beautiful but tough enough. And a photo (other day) of the tripod with VRX and relay, this time VRX is on the top.