1. Why does the "Quad X" setting has 50% mix level by default?
A. One would think it really should be 33%, so that full output from all three flight control directions at the same time can never add up to more than 100%. It's a compromise.
2. I use this to calculate my mix values:
https://www.iforce2d.net/mixercalc/ , as you might notice there's no openpilot type kind of output listed, so I was calculating that myself. Assuming the example ZMR frame that provides me with output:
A. A picture or description of the motor configuration would help us help you
but let me add that I have never really looked at the mixer stuff and looking at it I must say that it isn't clear to me why it is done that way. And I'm a dev with a math degree.
My assumptions would be that the values can run from +127 to -128 (maybe use -127 for symmetry). That + quad should use +127 or -128 in all slots. That X quad should use .707 times those values in all slots. (well except for throttle which should always be 127) And that mix level should be 33% for a quad (50% for a tricopter since yaw doesn't affect motor RPM). If someone used higher values there to get more response, then I worry what happens when stabilization asks for max everything in the wrong direction and it overflows. I think I see that in some flip recoveries and I will try the values that math says should work. Be aware that we do have code that handles overflow from throttle by e.g. automatically reducing throttle to give enough head room for the desired stabilization.
Generally for a strange multicopter, it takes trig to calculate the correct values with .707 being sine(45)=cosine(45) and the 45 being the angle of the quad X arm from straight ahead / straight to the side...