Executive summary: Don't buy a Revo clone without reading this and knowing how to test it as soon as you get it. I would bet that the same problems exist with the Sparky2 clones.A friend with a Revo vertical stability issue had it turn out to be a bad baro chip. The board came from an eBay seller, website affiliation unknown at this time.
I also talked with a forum user that had bought two Revos from banggood. Both had bad MPU6000's (gyro/accel) and low res baros. Note that the high resolution baro is spec'ed and required for proper Revo operation.
I have access to a Revo just received from thanksbuyer and have done some testing on it as well. It also has the low resolution baro chip. This particular board has good gyros, accels, and mags as far as a quick bench test can prove.
So bad clones are known to come from both banggood and thanksbuyer. These two companies probably get their boards from the same place. If you have bought a clone (Revo or Sparky2) please test and report back here (what you bought, when you bought it, what you know is broken, what you know works (e.g. it flies in Basic (Complementary) Attitude Estimation Algorithm)) until we have a good feeling for whether any boards from these sellers are OK. Note that if this thread gets really long, I may delete replies and provide a summary.
I also have heard of clone boards overheating and failing for no apparent reason.
I suggest that you pay with a service that will help you get your money back. I use PayPal, but had to twist some PayPal arms once, even though I was in the right.
Here is a graph that shows first the bad board plugged in and then a good OP non-clone board. The difference in the average value isn't important. The noise is what is important. You can see that the first half is a much thicker mess than the second half. In particular, if your graph is about 00,070 thick (top to bottom, about 97,830−97,760 for this graph) or thicker, you have the noisy low res baro. If your graph is about 00,015 thick or less you have the good baro.
This is in Pressure kPa which is the default baro scope

Note that the good part has a little curve to it. That is because that board was just plugged in and is warming up. Ignore the curve and pretend it is straight.
This is in Pressure Altitude which you can enable with Tools->Options->Scopes->Barometer if you know your way around in there.