Build Name: CrabCar 3D
Flight Controller: CC3D Clone
LibrePilot version: Rhino
Frame: Some really old Yamaha? Car Frame (had a combustion engine in old times)
Motor: EMax 2213 935kv (normally build for copters but hey got a really good acceleration

Tires: Stolen from a LEGO Offroad Car
Battery: Turnigy 3S 2200mAh
Rx: HiTec (AM)
Tx: HiTec AM40.875MHZ :-)
FPV: Rasperry Pi with Pi Cam and WIFI Dongle, 1280x720px, 110ms delay
Specials: LEGO tires are the best ;-) , combustion clutch works also great for electric motors, CC3D dont like too much snow :-), RIP little friend, drinking straws are very good for long antennas