Fantastic - Uploading Succeeded!
Karls-MacBook-Air-2:librepilot karl$ ./build/uploader_release/OPUploadTool -i -p ./build/firmware/fw_gpsplatinum/fw_gpsplatinum.opfw -t tty.usbserial-AL00C2RJ
OpenPilot serial firmware uploader tool.
Connect the board NOW
SYNC Succeded
Erasing, please wait...
Uploading firmware
Uploading firmware[==================================================] 100% Firmware Uploading succeeded
Starting uploading description
Uploading firmware[==================================================] 100% Uploading Succeded!
Karls-MacBook-Air-2:librepilot karl$
Using my second FTDI unit resolved it.
The first one, I have used many times configuring Bluetooth boards with the little OP config executable for Windows. So I assumed it would work on Mac as well. I just have to accept that the Mac do not recognize it or list it at all, using the ‘ls -l /dev’ or ‘dmesg’ commands. But using the other FTDI unit with some 6 pins (only 4 used), then it listed the somewhat unexpected name ‘tty.usbserial-AL00C2RJ’. But it did work. First try.
Now all my GPSv9 are upgraded

Thanks sooo much!
Looking back on this, the Problems to set up the Build environment on OSX was solved early, the solution was really to set up a Xcode project first then download the LP code. Then when installing dev tools I had to back down from Next to LP 16.09 that uses a more familiar version Qt 5.6.1 (not 5.6.2), then okay.
Also okay to do my first build, the OPUploaderTool.
Then when actually using the little executable to upgrade the GPSv9, a ComBridge with Revo did not work (a bit better though after having the GCS running) neither with the first FTDI unit but finally with another one. I really do not know the difference between them. Both work but in different environments.
p.s. I will still try to make use of that Linux + OP16.09 ISO file so kindly posted here.
Finally really nice to hear someone have fixed the ‘Jerry save’ bug in the Heli set up!
That should reduce a lot of the confusion for newcomers.