I have 3 of those GPS units and they are okeish. However, they are using I2C bus which is not as easy as DJI Naza compatible GPS I recommended earlier.
First of all using I2C bus you have to occupy another port on Revo which you might have used for something else. DJI Naza is more like old OP GPS where mag info is combined with GPS info and sent over the same serial protocol. Hence DJI would use only one port.
Second, I2C is generally not designed for long distance communication. It might be affected by noise, and depending on wire length/capacitance, pull-up resistors might be not strong enough, which would lead to occasionally reading wrong sensor data or pulling whole bus down. When it comes to Revo, on the same I2C bus is also internal baro, which might be affected if you mess up something with I2C.
Generally I2C works, but is not easy and may or may not work depending how you set it up. DJI Naza is safer option, and better as it uses just one port instead of two.