Thanks all good info. Just a bit about myself, I am a ET Vector flyer, and Pixhawk flyer. By no means an expert, but I have a bit of knowledge and experience with GPS and Autonomous functions. Also I know there is no such thing as a Revolution, it's why I Said CC3D/Revolution, but I know it is a common mistake and even the rule of thumb for marketing the board.
So with that in mind a couple more questions, are the hobbyking mini gps units considered OP GPS units? Or better yet are any units sold as Openpilot or Revolution GPS units OP units? My guess is no, but figured I should ask. Personally I don't like not having the blinking lite, even though I will be using an OSD on my personal build. Secondly The I2C bus, is it the same style plug as the I2C on a pixhawk unit? and can a pixhawk unit be used. I am very much a visual learner, and raising a 2 year old so it's hard to spend allot of time reading and typing (he's napping now), so any picture or video tutorial links are highly appreciated.