Installed librepilot on my car, what can I do with it
« on: April 12, 2016, 05:40:19 am »
Bought an atom cc3d, and put librepilot on it, just to play around with it.

The question is what can I control with it.

The steering seems obvious, needs some PID tuning, will play with that.

Since the input from the esc comes from the atom cc3d, can I play with parameters to control throttle(i.e. control pitch)?

Basically I am thinking about having wheelie/stoppie control and having the car staying level while jumping.

I am not new to Flight controllers, built about 15 quads from 110mm to 450mm.  I am very familiar with cleanflight which I can configure in my sleep.  I have even modified the cleanflght software for a few tweeks.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2016, 05:46:56 am by linklemming »


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Re: Installed librepilot on my car, what can I do with it
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 11:54:40 pm »
I'm interested at what it can do in a car also.
I'm thinking traction control is possible, but I have no clue how to begin doing that.  Like the Spektrum AVC thing.
Typical traction control is cutting power to the drive motor if the yaw is suddenly spiking to a high level?

From the setup page on the GCS, looks like a dual motor setup (motor per axle set) is possible also, but I don't know of any rc car setups with that.

Re: Installed librepilot on my car, what can I do with it
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2016, 05:38:08 pm »
I did some successful testing with a Revo Software 16RC1 and GPS functions like RTB, PosHold, WaypointsMission.

A few years ago I used my old Multiwii Board with Plane settings on a small RC car. Connected Rudder to the steering Servo to prevent it from turning when I accelerated with full throttle. After tuning PID it worked perfect. Without the controller I could not keep it on a straight line or even one direction.

Re: Installed librepilot on my car, what can I do with it
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2016, 02:04:12 am »
Wheelie control seems doable, but how do you tell the difference between a wheelie and climbing a ramp suddenly?  You could probably look at the rate profile.  A wheelie would begin slowly and then the rotation would speed up.  A ramp would spike and taper off.  ?

Reducing power when yaw sees that traction is lost also seems interesting.

For me the interesting bit with ground / water vehicles would be GPS / autonomous, but that is not supported on CC3D.


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Re: Installed librepilot on my car, what can I do with it
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2016, 10:16:38 am »
I did some successful testing with a Revo Software 16RC1 and GPS functions like RTB, PosHold, WaypointsMission.
Thats really interesting!
Can you please tell a bit more about the tests the hardware software configurations and your experience?
Would really be cool.
I have a traxxas with a revo and gps but the project has been sleeping for a while since could not make it work at all. Waypoints and RTB should be possible though ...
