Hello everyone,
Brand new here. Never planned on making a user account because with a google search I can usually find solutions to my drone problems. I very much appreciative of the info available here on librepilot. Anyways, have searched far and wide and am frustrated as all get out. I received a replacement cc3d board from getfpv (the first one, channel 1 didn't work and it drifted all over the place) and just recently put it on my zmr250 build. While I was waiting on the replacement I ordered one from RMRC for $12 due to impatience. It flew great, I was so surprised since it was half the price of getfpv. I flew it for a couple of weeks and after a harder than normal crash it started acting real screwy, all motors revved to 100% upside down, even with Tx shut off, wouldn't arm, etc. So I put the new getfpv cc3d replacement on, and it has the drift issue (right and backwards), in ATTITUDE mode of course. In Rate it seems fine.
I've done all the things I have read to do from the far reaches of the interwebs:
(and yes I did all these things about 10 ft in the air and not right off the ground and with no wind)
1. Rerun the wizard
2. Recalculate while on a level surface
3. Give the cc3d time to calibrate after plugging in.
4. Played with the virtual pitch and roll-this actually helped some, but at times would still favor the original drift. Even after I had over corrected the virtual roll and pitch and it drifited the opposite direction, after pulling back it could creep back into the original drift.
5. I am trying to avoid messing with the tx trim, so my dx5e should be set for stock trim.
6. Same issue in GCS and Librepilot.
7. Looked at the 3d depiction and it isn't slowly rotating and appears level.
8. Check to make sure the board is level in the drone. Screws are tight.
9. Probably something else I have tried but forgot to list here.
Could there be another issue that I have missed? I am very close to just ordering another cc3d from RMRC because I am so tired of this board not working like it should. Not ready to go straight acro yet.
Thanks for your patience,