This is really a simple generic CC3D Q but since I'm applying it to a fixed wing I ask it here rather than multirotor where there are many more topics and people. MAYBE it's not impossible that the problem is fixed wing-specific? I tend to doubt it but at the moment I'm stumped.
The only other thing I can think of is that I'm not cycling power and plugging/unplugging things in the right order.
Synopsis: In Input - Stabilization Modes Configuration I'm trying to set a mode to manual-manual-manual. It initially WORKS but later Saving to the CC3D it's not 'sticking.'
I'm sure that my flight mode switch setup is working. When I switch my Tx mode switch I see the CC3D blinky rate on the CC3D change. In GCS Input - Flight Mode Switch Settings - Pos 1/2/3 reflects my change on the Tx switch. Cool.
Here's the exact order that I'm doing things, from an 'all power off all plugs unplugged' state...
Turn on Tx.
Plug battery power into plane -- wait for the blinkies on CC3D to settle down.
Plug in USB.
At that point the current setup in CC3D is downloaded to PC and displayed in GCS. Cool.
In GCS - Input - Stabilization Modes Configuration I change Pos 3 to manual-manual-manual.
Now here's a CRITICAL POINT!! In Pos 1 (attitude-attitude-axislock) when I shake the plane the FC is actively working the surfaces. Cool. WHEN I SWITCH TO Pos 3 THE ACTIVE STABILISATION STOPS!! I wiggle the plane and there's -no- action on the surfaces from the FC. VERY COOL!! Yes the Tx actively controls the surfaces. Very cool. Home free, eh? Not quite.
I click Save and the icon changes to Red telling my that I need to cycle power on the CC3D.
Unplug USB.
Unplug plane battery.
I even power down the Tx.
Turn on Tx.
Plug battery into plane.
Set Pos 3 (manual) but it's NOT manual mode. I wiggle the plane and it FC is in control and the surfaces wiggle.
Not cool.
I'm can't think of where to go with this next.