Hello there,
I'm just starting to work with the CC3D. I installed the 15.09 LibrePilot firmware, went through the vehicle setup wizard, and was able to fly around a bit. Hooray!
Now I'm trying to receive telemetry through the main port of the CC3D, but I'm having trouble. In GCS, the main port is configured for telemetry. Using a scope, I can see that the CC3D emits some data on its main port when it first boots up. However, the line goes silent after what appears to be a few packets/transmissions. I was expecting that the CC3D would just emit telemetry all the time, to be picked up by a modem if available. That doesn't appear to be the case.
Is there actually a bidirectional protocol on the main port which is required to keep data flowing? Are there any resources I can look at which document this subsystem and would help me to get it set up to continuously stream data?
Thanks in advance!