Making some progresses!
Today I did finally get a good tail, good enough to be able to see finally my progresses into the simulator being transferred to my heli exactly like I expected.
After having seen this video
I decided to go straight to choose the highest value of P that could be dampened with the right amount of D, and then add a bit of I of the needed amount.
It did work much better than to increase P up at the first hint of oscillation, then adding I up to not get over-corrections, and D to stop the oscillation of the snappy inputs.
So I decided to do a recording again, to show how much stable now the heli is (even if my pilot skills suck enough to hide it). I did take off, and landed, with attitude, and also used attitude in a case to save the heli, since I'm more confident with that, but otherwise everything else is in AxisLock. In the flight I mainly focus on all-directions hovering, but also do some pitch pumps, two flips, and a really shy attempt at inverse hovering.
In this week will add the current values to the excel, since now the heli is secure enough to fly without loosing control.
Now, the next urgent upgrade to do is an ESC with governor, since I can not get over the compensation differences between a fresh battery and a nearly discharged battery, the tail gets much looser at the end of the battery, and needs tighter settings, which of course cause oscillations once the new battery is plugged... Once having that, I'll keep making further optimizations to the values, having a constant RPM will surely help a lot.
Thanks once more for the help you've given to me