I'm currently replacing the 433MHz RFM22B on an OpLink (actually a non-OP "OpLink Ground") with a 915MHz component.
I've done this successfully in the past too, but after a long and painful process, generally wind up with damaged connection points on the RFM and even causing a little minor damage to the "OpLink Ground" PCB. Will do the "OpLink Air" after this.
So far I have always slid a dulled razor blade (the thin kind) under the pads as I desolder them. A pain. And another pain to work around the components close to the RFM board (worse with "OpLink Ground").
I'm looking for a better / easier way to do this.
I have a hot air gun (with many tip sizes) and Kapton tape, but am afraid of loosing components right next to the RFM board, even with Kapton covering them. I have only used Kapton a few times and never lost a covered component. Working with the whole board hot is probably difficult. Am I worrying too much? Large nozzle for more heat or small, worked back and forth over both sets of connectors? Hmm... I have plenty of OP OpLinks, maybe I should just try it.
Tape it. Hold it somehow. Heat quickly while trying to pry the RFM off with a dulled #11 Xacto.
I have also considered just cutting the RFM board up with a Dremel so it can be removed one connection at a time. This would be hazardous for cutting OpLink PCB traces and a pain cutting it, but may be the best way.
I could also remove the closest components on the RFM side, use hot air with Kapton, then put components back.
I will probably want to do a Revo / Sparky2 in the future.
Any ideas?
Anyone know of a source to buy non-stock OpLinks/Revos/Sparky2s?