Yes, it is possible to mix some yaw into the roll function. Generally you can mix anything into anything in either a custom mixer table in the flight controller or in your transmitter. The problem with this is in most flying, you bank, let off the bank stick and it stays at that bank angle, then apply and hold elevator, then release elevator, then "unbank". You need the yaw during the whole time you are pulling elevator, but you are not holding any roll then, so you won't get any yaw even if you do mix some yaw into your roll (any of several ways).
thank you very much for the reply, and lol, i quoted you because that's exactly how I like it !!! It all came from 2012 when I discovered (I was not in the hobby till then) toy quads and I fell in love with "angle mode" (betaflight). I fly all my numerous ONLY in stabilized mode now, mostly with CC3D, in FPV or LOS. It suits me, I like the sadistic "resisting feeling" in the sticks ; it is a bit satisfying for me that my quad wants to come back to boring level. Furthermore, sometimes, I screw up and I like that my quads carry on level and I have a small window to correct things by letting go and not fall in a stupid spiral and break things (I don't like breaking stuff because ... I'm broke, lol).
So, only one of my planes, a 180 gr Fournier, has yaw stabilized now and it flies on rails :
(sorry for the quality, my teen daughter filming with her smartphone...) despite gusts. it's deadly silent. Perhaps one solution for yaw stab is just to put less stabilization strength on it ?
But right now, I'm testing yaw differential and it works very good, since I'm so used to turning wings with just banking and elevator, that I just would like a tiny bit of differential, because this very wing (it comes from a toy that I mounted brushless on, a B2 bomber 700mm around, 120 gr 2S) just wants to go straight forward otherwise without me thinking "oh, yeah, add yaw or it won't turn or only very big turns). I would like to bank and differential comes into play like 10%, that's all.
How can I do that please ?