Hello everyone,
I'm trying to put together a quadcopter with the revolution board. I am using a Flysky Paladin PL18 transmitter with a Fr10 receiver. This is capable of up to 18 channels using either PPM, iBUS or S-BUS modes. I'm using the PPM mode for Rx protocol. My goal is to get the autopilot, way points and RTL modes working on it.

I see 2 issues when I try to configure it:

1.I'm only able to program the 4 basic channels for Thrust, Yaw, Pitch and Roll. It does not recognize flight mode or any of the other switches/buttons/knobs on the transmitter. I am using the Flexi-IOport and have the white wire (pin 3) for PPM connected to the receiver along with the power & gnd wires. There are no errors being flagged in the console window with the R/C. The only error I see is related to the GPS not getting a signal lock, but that's because I'm indoors. haven't gotten to the point of taking it outdoors and trying out the op-link yet.

2. the  arming settings don't work. I set it to min throttle + pitch right, but other options do not work either.

Please let me know if any of you have any idea on how to debug this.



Re: Issues with Revolution board /Flysky Paladin PL18 Transmitter and Fr10 rcvr
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2021, 10:33:33 am »
"Only four channels recognized" is usually a matter of you needing to configure the transmitter to actually send "this" switch on "that" channel.  Read transmitter instructions to find how to do that.

For arming, I use low throttle and yaw right and it works.  Have you run the transmitter wizard?  Part of it sets up control throws.  Another part maps which channel (e.g. 3) does which function (e.g. yaw).  You should not use trim or dual rates after setup as these can reduce the (for me) left-right yaw amount, and it never sees full right yaw.  With flight battery plugged in and transmitter on, you can go to the Input - RC Input section and when you wiggle each stick you can see if the function slider moves and if it moves the full amount.

Re: Issues with Revolution board /Flysky Paladin PL18 Transmitter and Fr10 rcvr
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2021, 11:23:00 pm »
Thanks so much for the replay!
Could you please point me to any instructional info/video links  on how channels are configured?
I've been looking through a lot of videos on youtube but I'm yet to see a video where this is actually being done.
Most of the videos are about unboxing or going through the different features.



Re: Issues with Revolution board /Flysky Paladin PL18 Transmitter and Fr10 rcvr
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2021, 09:26:04 am »
If I understand what you are asking, this is setting up your transmitter and should be covered in the transmitter instruction manual.  :)

All brands of transmitters are different.  Sorry, I don't have one of those.  I would first look in the paper instructions that came with it; second I would download the instruction manual; third I would look for a youtube video ... all of that brand and model of transmitter.