LED slow fading on and off is just the board telling you that it is in bootloader mode. But if that is all it ever does then there is only a bootloader and it does not have the normal firmware. This is not your problem.
The GCS you used when making the PDF is a recent version of next. 16.09+r782. That might sound like 16.09, but it is 782 versions past that.
There was one time there in the PDF when the OpLink had "Git Commit Hash:
8c101adc" which sounds like like it is supposed to match the GCS version you were using: 16.09+r782-g
8c101ad. If you tried it with that firmware and that GCS, I would guess it would work. There is a slight mismatch in these numbers, but I recall that number display slight mismatch is a known issue. If you get the OpLink back to that version, then the OpLink configuration page should work with your 16.09+r782-g8c101ad GCS.
It looks like it had this recent firmware on it, then you flashed it to an old 2013 version.
You show the OpLink configuration page and you probably already know it, but that is the only page that works when you are configuring the OpLink.
You need to run the same version everywhere. Is 16.09+r782-g8c101ad the version you want to use everywhere?
If you did not build the GCS and firmware, then the Firmware page Upgrade and Erase should work using the manual method as I recall.
https://librepilot.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LPDOC/pages/5669026/Firmware+Tab#FirmwareTab-ManualmethodDid you build this GCS and firmware yourself? You can just build and flash the matching OpLink firmware using the Rescue method.
https://librepilot.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LPDOC/pages/5669250/Firmware+RescueIf you have the oplink OPFW file, then this should flash it:
- unplug the OpLink from USB
- Firmware page press Rescue
- plug in the OpLink to USB
- press the Open button and select the oplink OPFW file that is the version you want
- press the Flash button and wait for it to erase and flash it
- for good measure, press the Erase Settings button and follow the instructions to erase any old settings