Hello, I don't know if its a LiprePilot issue, but I will explain my case:
I have a Taranis X9D with a D4R-II receiver.
The flight Controller is a CC3D Atom.
I'm using FlexiPort as PPM input (My Atom board does not receive signal in PIN8 on the MainPort)
After some flights, the drone starts losing power with fully-charged LiPos.
Testing in LibrePilot GCS, the motors seems to maintain stable at max rpm.
Arming the drone with the Taranis and pulling throttle stick to the max. it starts at max. rpm (like the LibrePilot test) but losing gradually RPM's on all the motors (I don't have oscilloscope to check if the radio signal changes)
Please, check this video (with sound):
https://vid.me/eczCI have checked the throttle stick graph in the Taranis and it moves from -100 to +100 proportionally.
I've always had a dead zone on my radio (motors starts spinning at 30% throttle) but I don't know if can be related. I have created a new model with same result.
I did this question in OpenTX GitHub Forum and they said that if the graph on the radio moves from -100 to +100 is not a Radio issue.
Any thoughts about this or someone with a similar issue?