The baseline heli works out pretty good, but still a bit different.
Actually I learnt a lot in the past two weeks from old papers, recent papers, and mostly from a labmate who has a control background. I would like to test out some of the adaptive PID algorithms in the future. But now I just want to manually tune a "perfect" 450.
On one side, I recorded some sample data that can throw to matlab to estimate the physical model and do some simulation.
On the other side, I'm still trying to understand the algorithm inside vbar. As far as I can tell now, vbar uses a 2DOF PID algorithm plus saturation detection (anti-windup) plus some feedforwards at tail axis, I'll try figure out the parameters. (I think the same algorithm applies to other axes just need to adjust the numbers).
A 2DOF PID algorithm takes {kp,ki,kd,b,c}. My current guessing is that "b" is the control loop value in vbar; "c" is the flight style (robotic = high, smooth = low).
I'm still thinking (doing research) on how to automatically decide "b".