Hello everyone!
Just signed up to the forums to ask a question. I have already read a lot about the topic but wasn't able to find the perfect answer yet. I am looking for a GPS/Magnetometer Combo for the Revolution board, which can be plugged in using one single cable. Currently using the M8N GPS that came with my Revolution board. Not sure if it has a built in magnetometer. Was unable to find any soldering pads. Even if it does have a magnetometer then I am unable to connect it, because I need the Flexiport for the OSD.
The problem arises because the onboard magnetometer on the Revolution has too much interference, causing the artificial horizon in the GCS to tilt and wobble a lot when stationary on the ground. Trying to fly the drone makes it flip instantly. This only happens in INS13 GPS mode. If I turn it to complementary, it works just fine. So I assume this is a compass problem.
Already read about the genuine DJI Naza GPS being supported, as well as clones. Those only need one cable. I read in another thread that the genuine DJI Naza GPS does not supply certain telemetry, like signal strength and which satellites it is connected to.
- Does this cause any alarms in the GCS, which information will I be able to see?
- Do the Naza-compatible clones have the same problem, or do the supply the additional telemetry like the M8N does?
- Are there adapters to turn M8N GPS units into a single-wire solution?
- Any other options for my Revolution board, given that I want to use both GPS and an OSD with telemetry.
- What are possible downsides of cheap Naza clones?
I am located in Germany and have not been able to find a genuine DJI Naza GPS yet. Or at least I am not able to tell which ones are. There is a lot of clones available from Asia. Can somebody provide me with a link to a suitable GPS unit that has been proven reliable in the past?
Current setup:
TBS Discovery, Revolution Board, OPLink Telemetry, Micro MinimOSD, Spektrum PWM Receiver.
Both Mainport (M8N GPS) and Flexiport (OSD telemetry) are in use.
For reference, bought here:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/OpenPilot-CC3D-Revolution-Flight-Controller-Combo-mit-M8N-GPS-Transceive/152827851803?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649Thank you for your help and greetings from Germany,