While we are on the subject of fight modes. Hey other cliff I have read that you wrote once upon a time about axislock for yaw you said something along the lines that it could hold its position better if it was properly set up. Because I can't tell the difference between between axislock, rates and acro+ on yaw maybe I can see acro+ is a little faster. Well the way I have my rates set up which are 270degree per sec. And 55 on the acro+. I have 3 flight modes 1 ratitide,ratitide, axislock. Cruz control 2 rates,rates,rates,maunal thrust 3 acro+,acro+,acro+ manual. And I use them all very often. Because I'm trying to find out witch one I like best for the way i fly And I think it's acro+ is winning out, it just is more faster, moves better in the full 360 degree rotation, but I like the ratitude to land and go through trees and other tight spots and to just slow down and smells the roses sometimes. Also mode two and three has aswa. I just cloned the flight mode switch to activate it on the last two position so I un activate it to land and take off. Also no expo either.