I have output tab set at what the cool kids are setting theirs at, 0 min 40 neutral and 2000 max, my throttle #s on the input page 1000 min, 1040 neutral and 2000 max. Everything spins beautiful when using the "test motors" check-box. when I watch the readings under Data Objects>Actuator Commands, those #s follow right along with the #s on output page. Everything goes to hell after arming with radio though, watching Actuator Command when my throttle stick is just up from min, those #s read as "channel 0 40us, channel 1 is around 900us and climbing same for channels 2 & 3, those 3 channels continue to slowly increase until I push the throttle stick back down to 0. Ive tried the manual way of calibrating the esc's using "home and end" as stated in the How-to section, I have gone back and started from scratch and rebuilt using the setup wizard enough times and the only weird thing that happens is if you try and redo the radio setup wizard AFTER dshot has been picked and saved as soon as I close the "changing to always disarmed dialog box" the motors start turning at around 1000 or so and the only way to stop them is pull the battery or check the "test motors" box and manually 0 the 4 sliders. it seemed to me for whatever reason or error on my part 3 of the 4 esc's fail to calibrate a neutral. I have tried using the blheli_s and did a fresh flash and write. Im out of ideas short of picking up some new esc's and see if that fixes it, Just thought I would see if any of you guys have any words of wisdom.