Buen día.
quisiera que alguien me explicara el main del firmware de Copter Control y como poder modificarlo, es para un proyecto de escuela
#include "inc/openpilot.h"
#include <systemmod.h>
/* Task Priorities */
/* Global Variables */
extern void Stack_Change(void);
* OpenPilot Main function:
* Initialize PiOS<BR>
* Create the "System" task (SystemModInitializein Modules/System/systemmod.c) <BR>
* Start FreeRTOS Scheduler (vTaskStartScheduler) (Now handled by caller)
* If something goes wrong, blink LED1 and LED2 every 100ms
int main()
/* NOTE: Do NOT modify the following start-up sequence */
/* Any new initialization functions should be added in OpenPilotInit() */
/* Brings up System using CMSIS functions, enables the LEDs. */
/* swap the stack to use the IRQ stack */
/* Start the FreeRTOS scheduler, which should never return.
* NOTE: OpenPilot runs an operating system (FreeRTOS), which constantly calls
* (schedules) function files (modules). These functions never return from their
* while loops, which explains why each module has a while(1){} segment. Thus,
* the OpenPilot software actually starts at the vTaskStartScheduler() function,
* even though this is somewhat obscure.
* In addition, there are many main() functions in the OpenPilot firmware source tree
* This is because each main() refers to a separate hardware platform. Of course,
* C only allows one main(), so only the relevant main() function is compiled when
* making a specific firmware.
/* If all is well we will never reach here as the scheduler will now be running. */
/* Do some indication to user that something bad just happened */
while (1) {
return 0;
ese es el código, de antemano gracias por la atención prestada.