It all depends on what you have set up for RC failsafe mode.
Does it truly have an RC failsafe? I thought that even the 9X did not have failsafe.
What kind of signal comes out of the receiver? One connector per channel (PWM)? or PPM or SBus or ...
Hook up GCS and watch System Health. If color of "Input" Health is green when transmitter is on, but orange when it is off, you don't have RC failsafe and you are getting FC failsafe each time you turn off transmitter.
FC failsafe is a flight mode switch position plus a set of stick positions. The default is not to use a flight mode switch position, but to simply turn the motors off. You go into GCS -> System -> Settings -> ManualControlSettings and set FailsafeFlightModeSwitchPosition (default -1) to whatever switch position you want MINUS 1, so for position 3 you put in 2.
While you are in the area you can set FailsafeChannels to some value.
For instance, if you have Attitude mode on position 1, and you want all sticks centered and throttle at 30% you set FailsafeFlightModeSwitchPosition to zero and FailsafeChannels to zero except for Throttle, which you set to 0.30 (the useful throttle positions are basically 0 to 1).
Click on ManualControlSettings to make it turn blue, and then click on the red up arrow at the top of the screen to save this stuff permanently.
BEWARE: You have just made it so that (if armed) if you switch the transmitter off the motors will start up even if the throttle was all the way down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also beware: If you use this to make it land more softly, the motors will run till you either regain control or the battery dies, or you somehow manage to disconnect the battery with the motors running. That means, if it lands in tall grass, or upside down, etc. It will burn some motor/ESCs/battery/wires up and maybe start a fire.
Also beware: In this setup, the throttle setting you use should be to slowly come down with the best, hottest, lightest battery you use and on a full charge. If you don't set it that low, it will climb with that battery pack and you have a fly-away.
Test it out to make sure it works before you rely on it.
The guy in the video doesn't have his ESCs calibrated/adjusted properly or his motors would stop when he switches his transmitter off (when he had default FC failsafe).
You can see that this needs to be thought out, and also that you are assuming a different set of risks when you change it. Instead of falling out of the sky and maybe breaking, it may come down softer, but cut somebody up or catch on fire or otherwise damage different components.
Lecture over.
Be safe!