The ebay listing has a link to the data sheet. The end of the data sheet has some drawings of the various package types. I think you got a TO220 type?
Here is a pinout of the TO-220 type from Googling
lm1117 pinout - Start out with a two wire cable with the correct connectors on each side. I assume it will be red for + and black for -.
2 - This cable will have an input side that is connected to the 5v source and a 3.3v output side that is connected to the receiver.
3 - Skin some insulation off the middle of the black / ground wire of the cable without cutting the metal wire.
4 - Solder that to the Ground pin on the device.
5 - Cut the red wire in the middle.
6 - Solder the 5v source side of the red wire to the Input lead
7 - Solder the 3.3v output side of the red wire to the Output lead. Note that the Output lead is also connected to the metal tab part.
8 - Connect power to 5v input and measure the voltage at the output connector before connecting it to the receiver.
9 - Protect it from shorting out with heat shrink tubing or electrical tape
Ideally you would put small capacitors across both gnd to input and gnd to output, but the bare regulator has worked for some projects in the past for me.