Question background:
I'm using a CC3D controller to play around with optimizing coaxial propeller efficiency, currently on a test bench. I'm using a higher Kv motor with a somewhat smaller-diameter & higher-pitch prop for prop-2 since this is supposed to get the best thrust per power efficiency results. If you're interested I can go into details, but I'm basing these experiments on this
http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19970015550.pdf So far my bench testing generally confirms these findings.
I built a test stand specifically to be able to see the operating torque balance of motor-1 to motor-2 (since this is generally the most efficient situation).
Right now I'm trying to find balanced torque throttle settings at a given motor-1 throttle setting by adjusting throttle on motor-2 until the stand shows balance and noting the value. The idea here is to find a throttle-1 to throttle-2 bias curve that generally delivers balanced torque at any throttle-1 setting.
I was hoping, at least to start, to be able to just set max-output of motor-2 in Configuration / Output / Max, but it's not behaving like I expect. (I'm setting max on motor-2 because it's a higher-Kv motor, thus it runs faster at a given PWM pulse rate). Motor1 is set at max=1900 and Motor2=1500. When I enable 'Test outputs' and set Link on the motors, the sliders behave the opposite of what I was expecting.
I was hoping to see Motor2 ramp up proportionally to Motor1, so Motor2 would be at 1500 when Motor1 reaches 1900 @100% throttle. But instead I'm seeing Motor1=1500 @~50% throttle while Motor2 is at 1500 @100% throttle and of course the sliders won't exceed 100%.
I'm confused. It looks like some sort of min/max clamping & scaling is going on internally. Is there any way to get the behavior I'm looking for?
Side question:
I was hoping to combine max-pulserate (above) with my coaxial test stand torque balance results and feed that into a custom throttle curve in the vehicle configuration in the hopes of achieving higher coaxial efficiency. Is this a good or bad idea?
Thanks in advance for your any suggestions or help you guys can provide!