You could verify by checking if GPS has mag inside. You should set in GCS to use both magnetometers before calibration. Then from what I remember (top of my head) there is another drop-down list with DJI, I2C, Flexi afiak. The DJI is to use GPS uart to extract mag from there if you happen to have DJI GPS (you dont). Then there is I2C port, which you don't have on Revo (exists only on sparky2), and Flexi which is what you want to choose. Then save, reboot, and then perform calibration. Click to last step ignoring instructions, and on last (5th or 6th) step just before finishing calibration, move copter with battery in all directions to cover as much as possible. It is MANDATORY to do that outdoors and using op-link far from metallic objects and not on the ground. Usually people run in trouble ignoring this principle so please do calibrate outdoors. Stuff like "maybe it will work indoors" is just no go. Then when ready with mag calibration, you can set rotations. By default software expects your external Mag to be in the same rotation as Internal one, but this may not be the case as different manufactures put chips wherever they want. So you adjust those rotation axis by multiply of 90 deg, until you see 0,0,0 on bars. Not multiply of 90 makes no sense to me. You get 0,0,0 when both magnetometers rotation matches and since you calibrated them with "Use both" they should give similar read-outs. Now when this is done, you have to set "Use Auxiliary" to use external only.
Another mandatory thing that must not be ignored is that GPS+Mag (actually mag) must be mounted on a mast that is not rotating and far above copter plane. I use 14cm mast that has two screws at the bottom so it will not rotate. My mast also folds backward in case of front crash, but important is it should not rotate as that would invalidate magnetometer calibration.
Finally, Complementary (Basic) sensor fusion algorithm uses just Gyro+Accel. Then you have Complementary+Mag to test mag. And INS13 uses ALL sensors, including baro which also must be properly calibrated. Any of the sensors not working properly makes flying impossible at all or not reliable. GPS itself has 4-6 meters of errors, so it must be combined with other sensors data to improve position estimation.